
Topics related to azure:

Getting started with azure

Azure Service Fabric

Azure Service Fabric is one of the PaaS services offered by Azure. It is based on the notion of containers and services: unlike Compute services (Web Roles and Worker roles), your code does not run inside one (or more) Virtual Machines, but instead they are run inside a container, sharing it with other services.

It is important to note that here, and throughout Microsoft articles and documentation on Service Fabric, container is intended in its more general meaning, not as a "Docker" style container.

You can have (and you'll typically have) more than one container, which will form a cluster. Services running inside the container can be, in increasing order of "awareness"

  • Guest executables
  • "Reliable" services
    • Stateful
    • Stateless
  • "Reliable" actors

Azure Resource Manager Templates

Azure Powershell

Azure Media Service Account

A media service account is a Azure based account which gives you access to cloud based media services in Azure. Stores metadata of the media files you create, instead saving the actual media content. To work with media service account, you must have an associated storage account. While creating a media service account, you can either select the storage account you already have or you can create a new one. Since the media service account and storage account is treated separately, the content will be available in your storage account even if you delete your media service account Please be noted that your storage account region must be same as your media service account region.

Azure DocumentDB

Azure Storage Options

Azure Storage Options

Azure Virtual Machines


Ensure you have access to Azure Active Directory so, on Automation Account creation, Azure creates a RunAs account for you. This will save you a lot of trouble.