
Topics related to excel:

Getting started with excel

Microsoft Excel is a high-utility spreadsheet for use on calculation and macro programming. Excel also boasts compatibility with Visual Basic for Applications. Data is arranged and evaluated in a grid of cells, where it can be formulated or displayed in charts.

Excel rounding and precision

DATEDIF function

Be careful of Leap Year calculations when the units ignore years. For example:


returns 201 days


returns 202 days


Similar functions:

Common errors:

  • Not setting the range_lookup parameter and getting the default, non-exact match behaviour
  • Not fixing and absolute address range in the table_array - when copying a formula, the "lookup table" reference also moves

MATCH function


Use the MATCH function to check if (and where) a value can be found in a list. Often seen as a parameter return for the row and/or column in INDEX(array, row, column) function. Allows negative row/column references allowing left or above lookups.

Similar functions:

  • VLOOKUP - like MATCH but returns data from the table, rather than the row or column number. Can only search a table vertically and return values in or to the right of the found value.
  • HLOOKUP - like MATCH but returns data from the table, rather than the row or column number. Can only search a table horizontally and return values in or below the found value.

Array formulas

Counting unique cells

Create Connection to other Excel Files

Excel best practice


  • The array arguments must have the same dimensions. If they do not, SUMPRODUCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
  • SUMPRODUCT treats array entries that are not numeric as if they were zeros.

Index Match for Excel

Cell Formatting

Conditional Formatting allows the formatting of color, font effects, background color, etc. of cells on the spreadsheet to vary based on the cell's value, or other cell's values. A range of cells can have mini-charts or different icons in the cells based on their values.

Base Conversion

Note that there are no leading 0 or 0x in the functions.

Excel specifications and limits

Excel specifications and limits (Excel 2016-2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007)

Worksheet and workbook specifications and limits

FeatureMaximum limit
Open workbooksLimited by available memory and system resources
Worksheet size1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns
Column width255 characters
Row height409 points
Page breaks1,026 horizontal and vertical
Total number of characters that a cell can contain32,767 characters
Characters in a header or footer255
Maximum number of line feeds per cell253
Sheets in a workbookLimited by available memory (default is 1 sheet)
Colors in a workbook16 million colors (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)
Named views in a workbookLimited by available memory
Unique cell formats/cell styles64,000
Fill styles256
Line weight and styles256
Unique font types1,024 global fonts available for use; 512 per workbook
Number formats in a workbookBetween 200 and 250, depending on the language version of Excel that you have installed
Names in a workbookLimited by available memory
Windows in a workbookLimited by available memory
Hyperlinks in a worksheet66,530 hyperlinks
Panes in a window4
Linked sheetsLimited by available memory
ScenariosLimited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios
Changing cells in a scenario32
Adjustable cells in Solver200
Custom functionsLimited by available memory
Zoom range10 percent to 400 percent
ReportsLimited by available memory
Sort references64 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts
Undo levels100
Fields in a data form32
Workbook parameters255 parameters per workbook
Items displayed in filter drop-down lists10,000
Noncontiguous cells that can be selected2,147,483,648 cells
Maximum limits of memory storage and file size for Data Model workbooks32-bit environment is subject to 2 gigabytes (GB) of virtual address space, shared by Excel, the workbook, and add-ins that run in the same process. A data model’s share of the address space might run up to 500 – 700 megabytes (MB), but could be less if other data models and add-ins are loaded.. 64-bit environment imposes no hard limits on file size. Workbook size is limited only by available memory and system resources.. Excel 2016 offers the Large Address Aware functionality that lets 32-bit Excel 2016 consume twice the memory when users work on a 64-bit Windows operating system. For more information, see Large Address Aware capability change for Excel.. Note: Adding tables to the Data Model increases the file size. If you don’t plan to create complex Data Model relationships using many data sources and data types in your workbook, uncheck the Add this data to the Data Model box when you import or create tables, pivot tables, or data connections.

Calculation specifications and limits

FeatureMaximum limit
Number precision15 digits
Smallest allowed negative number-2.23E-308
Smallest allowed positive number2.23E-308
Largest allowed positive number1.00E+308
Largest allowed negative number-1.00E+308
Largest allowed positive number via formula1.7976931348623158e+308
Largest allowed negative number via formula-1.7976931348623158e+308
Length of formula contents8,192 characters
Internal length of formula16,384 bytes
Worksheet arraysLimited by available memory
Selected ranges2,048
Arguments in a function255
Nested levels of functions64
User defined function categories255
Number of available worksheet functions341
Size of the operand stack1,024
Cross-worksheet dependency64,000 worksheets that can refer to other sheets
Cross-worksheet array formula dependencyLimited by available memory
Area dependencyLimited by available memory
Area dependency per worksheetLimited by available memory
Dependency on a single cell4 billion formulas that can depend on a single cell
Linked cell content length from closed workbooks32,767
Earliest date allowed for calculationJanuary 1, 1900 (January 1, 1904, if 1904 date system is used)
Latest date allowed for calculationDecember 31, 9999
Largest amount of time that can be entered9999:59:59

Charting specifications and limits

FeatureMaximum limit
Charts linked to a worksheetLimited by available memory
Worksheets referred to by a chart255
Data series in one chart255
Data points in a data series for 2-D chartsLimited by available memory
Data points in a data series for 3-D chartsLimited by available memory
Data points for all data series in one chartLimited by available memory

PivotTable and PivotChart report specifications and limits

FeatureMaximum limit
PivotTable reports on a sheetLimited by available memory
Unique items per field1,048,576
Row or column fields in a PivotTable reportLimited by available memory
Report filters in a PivotTable report256 (may be limited by available memory)
Value fields in a PivotTable report256
Calculated item formulas in a PivotTable reportLimited by available memory
Report filters in a PivotChart report256 (may be limited by available memory)
Value fields in a PivotChart report256
Calculated item formulas in a PivotChart reportLimited by available memory
Length of the MDX name for a PivotTable item32,767
Length for a relational PivotTable string32,767
Items displayed in filter drop-down lists10,000

Workbooks with the "Allow changes by more than one user..." setting enabled If the Allow changes by more than one user... setting is on for a workbook, then the following information applies. This setting is accessible by clicking the Review tab > Share Workbook. Note that in newer versions of Excel, the Share Workbook button has been hidden. To unhide it, click File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar. Open the list under Choose commands from and select All Commands. Scroll down that list until you see Share Workbook (Legacy). Select that item and click Add. Click OK. The Share Workbook button is now at the top of the Excel window and looks like this: Share Workbook

FeatureMaximum limit
Users who can open the file at the same time256
Personal views in the workbookLimited by available memory
Days that change history is maintained32,767 (default is 30 days)
Workbooks that can be merged at one timeLimited by available memory
Cells that can be highlighted32,767
Colors used to identify changes made by different users when change highlighting is turned on32 (each user is identified by a separate color; changes made by the current user are highlighted with navy blue)
Excel tables in the workbook0 (zero). Note: A workbook that contains one or more Excel tables cannot have the Allow changes by more than one user... setting enabled.

Excel specifications and limits (Excel 2016-2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007)

An easy process to convert Monthly to Quarterly data in Excel