
Topics related to gulp:

Getting started with gulp

Gulp is a JavaScript build system, node.js-based task runner like Grunt. It allows you to automate common tasks during your development process. Gulp uses the streams-concept and code-over-configuration for a simpler and more intuitive build process. The code-over-configuration concept allows to create more readable and simple tasks, whereas tasks are highly over-configured.

Minifying CSS

Minifying JS

Concatenating files

Create a watcher

Comprehensive Guide to a Front-end Workflow Automation with Gulpjs -1 of 2

Comprehensive Guide to a Front end Workflow with Gulpjs 2 of 2

Using Browserify

Image lossless compression (with gulp-imagemin)

Minifying HTML

Delete Files Using Gulp

Note on using the globbing pattern (**):

The globbing pattern matches all children and the parent. In order to avoid that we add '!public' to our del task so that the public directory itself doesn't get deleted

Create documentation with gulp-jsdoc3

Show errors with gulp-jslint

Gulp Path

Using file filters.