
Topics related to jsp:

Getting started with jsp

JSP is a Java view technology running on a server which allows you to write template text in client side languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and so on. JSP supports the so-called taglibs which are backed by pieces of Java code with which you can control the page flow and/or output dynamically (programmatically). A well known taglib is JSTL. JSP also supports Expression Language (EL), with syntax like ${} which can be used to access backend data (actually, the attributes which are available in page, request, session and application scopes), mostly in combination with taglibs.


Implicit objects

Creating custom tag libraries using JSP 2.0(Without java classes)

Comments in JSP

To see the source code of java class translated by container of JSP page:

Eclipse: WORKSPACE\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\work\Catalina\localhost\PROJECT_NAME\org\apache\jsp\PAGENAME_jsp.java

Netbeans: Right-click on page and select view servlet