Liferay Portal CE is a portal software built in Java by Liferay Inc.
Liferay DXP (Digital Experience Platform) is a platform built on top of Liferay Portal for digital solutions, integrating customer and user satisfaction analysis tools and Enterprise-grade quality performances and tooling. It was known as formerly known as Liferay Portal EE.
Since version 7.0 it is built using OSGi through Apache Felix.
This works with Liferay Portal up to version 6.2.
Make sure you have a valid ssl certificate provided by a third party. You can also use a selfsigned certificate, but for dev only. Letsencrypt provides free certificates that can be used in production....
Use keytool to import the certificate to the keystorechain of java.
A scheduler serves to perform background tasks at certain defined intervals.
As per Liferay portlet DTD
<!- The scheduler-entry element contains the declarative data of a scheduler. ->
!ELEMENT scheduler-entry (scheduler-description?, scheduler-event-listener-class, trigger)
<!- The scheduler-description value describes a scheduler. ->
!ELEMENT scheduler-description (#PCDATA)
<!- The scheduler-event-listener-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.MessageListener. This class will receive a message at a regular interval specified by the trigger element. ->
!ELEMENT scheduler-event-listener-class (#PCDATA)
<!- The trigger element contains configuration data to indicate when to trigger the class specified in scheduler-event-listener-class. ->
!ELEMENT trigger (cron | simple)