
Topics related to phaser-framework:

Getting started with phaser-framework

Phaser is an open source Desktop and Mobile HTML5 game framework primarily.

It includes a robust set of documentation, features and examples to get you moving towards a working game quickly. It supports WebGL, via the Pixi.js rendering engine, and includes a Canvas fallback for support on older devices.

Although the engine is built in JavaScript it also includes TypeScript definitions

There is a new envisioning of the project that is ES6 compliant called Lazer.

Working with TypeScript

Add An Image In Phaser

  • An Image object is a good choice for things in your game that don't use frame animations and don't otherwise need to be a Sprite.
  • By default the anchor point for an image in the upper left corner, but you can change it like this: image.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);