
Topics related to sas:

Getting started with sas

SAS Formats

Proc SQL

SAS Labels

Labels can be used to describe a variable which helps improve the readability of your outputs. Labels can be permanently created in the DATA step or temporarily created in a PROC step.

Variable Length

DO Loop

Reading Data

Copy a file, byte for byte

Resolving Macro Variables in quotes within PROC SQL Pass-throughs

Sending an email with SAS

Creating Macro Variables

Informats in SAS

Informats are very important especially when we import data from other datasets. For example, most of the times while working on real time data, we extract data from various data sources (Oracle,Mysql,Teradata etc). Every time we import data we need to specify the informat statement so SAS can read the data properly.

Using Joins in SAS

As mentioned in the introduction, we can also use Mergeinside a data step which will be discussed under a separate topic. Joins play a very important role to blend and unify data according to the requirement.

data step