Sublime Text is simple but powerful source code editor with a Python application programming interface. It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and its functionality can be extended by users with plugins, themes and packages, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.
It is Featureful:
It is Stable:
It is Mainained:
It is Customizable:
Sublime Text 2 is built from the ground up for being highly customizable. From the apparent simple configuration things like displaying line number, code folding etc to some deep software architecture with "vi mode" enabling and a huge list of user settings, it is what you make of it.
The fact that the entire user preference is a plain text config file with comments rather than a deeply nested menu also appeals to a lot of programmers/designers.
It is Innovative:
) or the ability to navigate the command list by name (Cmd+Shift+P
) in the "command palette" or the multiple cursors as mentioned before are really innovative and gorking just one of these is enough for any user for a huge productivity boost.It is Cross Platform:
It is Extendable by Plugins: