Getting started with backbone.js

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Backbone is a simple but robust client-side JavaScript library for building applications. Data is represented as Models, which can be gathered into Collections. Model state is displayed with Views.

Backbone attempts to provide the minimal set of data structure and user interface primitives that would be useful in a JavaScript web application. Its goal is to provide these tools without dictating how to use them or what your use-case should look like. This means that the developer is given a lot of freedom to design the full experience of their application.

Basic Setup

Backbone requires Underscore and (optionally) jQuery - for DOM manipulation (using Backbone.View) and RESTful persistence.

The quickest way to get up and running with Backbone is to create an index.html file with simple script tags in the HTML <head>:

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

        <script src=""></script>

Backbone is now available for use in the page.

Example showcasing the basic concepts

The following example is an introduction to:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <div id="example_container"></div>

    <script type="text/template" id="example_template">
        <label><%= example_label %></label>
        <input type="text" id="example_input" />
        <input type="button" id="example_button" value="Search" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var ExampleView = Backbone.View.extend({
            // Compile the template using underscore
            template: _.template($("#example_template").html()),
            events: {
                "click #example_button": "onButtonClick"

            initialize: function(options) {
                this.customOption = options.customOption;

            render: function() {
                // Load the compiled HTML into the Backbone "el"
                    example_label: "My Search"

                return this; // for chaining, a Backbone's standard for render

            onButtonClick: function(event) {
                // Button clicked, you can access the button that 
                // was clicked with event.currentTarget
                console.log("Searching for " + $("#example_input").val());
        $(function() {
            //show the view inside the div with id 'example_container'
            var exampleView = new ExampleView({
                el: $("#example_container"),
                customOption: 41,

Example of Using Backbone (Primarily Backbone.Model)

Backbone.js is made up of four separate components: Collections, Models, Routers, and Views. Each of these serve different purposes:

  • Model - represents a single data object, but adds additional functionalities not provided by native JavaScript objects, such as an event system and a more convenient way to retrieve and send data to a remote server

  • Collection - represents a set or "collection" of Models and provides functionalities to manage its models.

  • View - represents a single part of the user interface; each View wraps an HTML DOM element, and provides structure for working with that element as well as convenience features like simple event binding.

  • Router - enables a "single page application" by allowing an application to trigger different logic (e.g. show different pages) in response to the URL changes.

Create your own flavors

Before we look at how to use each of these components, let's first take a quick look at Backbone's class system. To create a new sub-class of a Backbone class, you simply call the extend method of the original class, and pass it the instance properties and (static) class properties as objects:

const MyModelClass = Backbone.Model.extend({
    instanceMethod: function() { console.log('Instance method!'); },
}, {
    staticMethod: function() { console.log('Static method!'); },

Just as with any other class system, instance methods can be called on instances (objects) of the class, while static methods are called directly on the class itself (the constructor):

var myInstance = new MyModelClass();

// Call an instance method on our instance
myInstance.instanceMethod(); // logs "Instance method!"

// Call a static method on our class
MyModelClass.staticMethod(); // logs "Static method!"

Using a class

Now, let's look at a quick example of how you can use each class. We'll start with a Model of a book.

const Book = Backbone.Model.extend({
    idAttribute: 'isbn',
    urlRoot: '/book'

Let's break down what just happened there. First, we created a Book subclass of Model, and we gave it two instance properties.

  • idAttribute tells Backbone to use the "isbn" attribute of the model as its ID when performing AJAX operations.
  • urlRoot, tells Backbone to look for book data on

Now let's create an instance of a book, and get its data from the server:

var huckleberryFinn = new Book({ isbn: '0486403491' });
    // the Backbone way
    success: (model, response, options) => {
       console.log(model.get('name')); // logs "Huckleberry Finn"
}).done(() => console.log('the jQuery promise way'));

When we created a new Book we passed it an object, and Backbone uses this object as the initial "attributes" (the data) of the Model. Because Backbone knows the idAttribute is isbn, it knows that the URL for our new Book is /book/0486403491. When we tell it to fetch, Backbone will use jQuery to make an AJAX request for the book's data. fetch returns a promise (just like $.ajax), which you can use to trigger actions once the fetch has completed.

Attributes can be accessed or modified by using the get or set methods:

huckleberryFinn.get('numberOfPages'); // returns 64

huckleberryFinn.set('numberOfPages', 1); // changes numberOfPages to 1

Models also have an event system that you can use to react when things happen to a Model. For instance, to log a message whenever the numberOfPages changes, you could do:

huckleberryFinn.on('change:numberOfPages', () => console.log('Page change!'));

For a more detailed introduction to the other Backbone classes, view their individual documentation pages.

Hello Web (Basic "Hello World"-type setup)

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

        <script src=""></script>
            $( function(){
                ( function(){
                    var View = Backbone.View.extend( {
                        "el": "body",
                        "template": _.template( "<p>Hello, Web!</p>" ),
                        "initialize": function(){
                        "render": function(){
                            this.$el.html( this.template() );
                    } );
                    new View();
            } );


Topic Id: 1619

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