
Topics related to bukkit:

Getting started with bukkit

Scheduler Programming

Few Bukkit API methods are thread-safe and can be called asynchronously. For this reason, Bukkit API methods should only, with a few exceptions, be run on the main thread.

Code run inside of scheduleSync methods, as well as the runTask method will be run on the main thread.

Code run inside of runTaskAsynchronously will be run asynchronously from the main thread. Asynchronous methods are very useful for doing large math or database operations without lagging the server, yet will cause undefined behavior if used to call Bukkit API methods. For this reason, Bukkit API methods that should be run after the asynchronous code should always be put in a runTask method.

Event Handling

Entity Events

World generation

Configuration Files

The Bukkit configuration files are straight-forward Y.A.M.L (Yet Another Markup Language) files, and are implemented as so.



Manipulating Achievements

Hiding Players


Spawn Eggs

Refer to Entities Documentation to understand EntityType better



There currently isn't any consistent way to avoid an entity gravity suffering, even if you cancel it's movement, the client-side of the player would still try to fall before the event is cancelled.

World Manipulation

Refer to World Generation for world generation topics

Player Events



The Bukkit API is a wrapper or abstraction layer for NMS that allows plugin developers to interact with the server without worrying about changes made to the internal codebase.

Use of NMS code is discouraged as it breaks often between Minecraft version changes and cannot be supported by Bukkit or Spigot as they do not create, own, or maintain it.