Events are better covered in StackOverflow's List of Events documentation
Player playerToHide;
Player playerToNotSee;
//playerToHide will no longer be seen by playerToNotSee.
If player is already hidden, nothing happens
Player toUnhide;
Player toSeeAgain;
//Player toSeeAgain will now see Player toUnhide again.
If player is already visible, nothing happens.
Player playerToCheck;
Player playerSeeing;
boolean isVisible = playerSeeing.canSee(playerToCheck);
//isVisible returns true if playerSeeing can see playerToCheck and false otherwhise
This can be done by using the event EntityTargetEvent
Entities won't target the player if you cancel the event:
public void onEntityTarget(EntityTargetEvent e) {
Entity target = e.getEntity();
if(target instanceof Player) {
Player playerTargetted = (Player) target;
if (shouldBeInvisible(playerTargetted) {
e.setCancelled(true); //Cancel the target event