
Topics related to Cordova:

Getting started with Cordova

Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

Creating Your First Application With Cordova

In case running cordova run android fails. Make sure that your Android device is connected to your computer and run adb devices to make sure the Android Development Tools (ADT) can detect your device.

Sign Android build with Cordova 5

How to detect the state of the network connection

Debugging the application

Important thing to remember when debugging cordova apps, if you have an OnDeviceReady event and code that executes there, by the time the app launches, your debugger will still not be attached(unlike say Visual Studio C# debugging where application waits for the debug process to attach before continuing with launching the program).

This means that any initial set up console messages or breakpoints will not be captured.

Solution for this can be a delayed set up or delayed console logging with setTimeout when DeviceReady event is fired.

Push Notification in Android and iOS

Firebase Push Notification Cordova

Google Analytics in Cordova

Cordova plugins: how to install, how they work, examples

Cordova Crop Image Plugin

Make application released from Cordova CLI

How to customize platform specific www folder in cordova

How to install/uninstall custom cordova plugin

Getting started with Cordova

Cordova ios build

you face any problem during preparing the ios build please reach to me, will try to assist you.