Creating Your First Application With Cordova

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In case running cordova run android fails. Make sure that your Android device is connected to your computer and run adb devices to make sure the Android Development Tools (ADT) can detect your device.

Using the command-line tool

First you create a new Cordova project:

cordova create HelloWorld my.application.identifier AppName

This will create a blank Cordova project

  • in the HelloWorld folder
  • with identifier my.application.identifier (which should be unique for each application)
  • with name AppName.

Next you add the desired platforms:

cordova platform add android
// and/or
cordova platform add browser
// and/or
cordova platform add ios    // On macOS only
// etc…

Build your application to generate executable file:

cordova build                  // Build project for all platforms
cordova build ios              // Build project only for iOS platform
cordova build android          // Build project only for Android platform

Once built, you can run the app on one of the platforms you added:

cordova run android --emulator  // Run Android app in emulator
cordova run android --device    // Run Android app on physical connected device
cordova run browser             // Will run the app in the browser

If you want to build the application for Eclipse, Xcode, Visual Strudio, etc:

cordova prepare [platform_name] // Prepare copies of www folder and any plugins into the appropriate platform folder 


Topic Id: 2396

Example Ids: 7906

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