Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O framework that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client, as well as on server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching. It is open-source and cross-platform. Node.js applications are written in pure JavaScript and can be run within Node.js environment on Windows, Linux etc…
In Node.js, resource intensive operations such as I/O are performed asynchronously, but have a synchronous counterpart (e.g. there exists a fs.readFile
and its counterpart is fs.readFileSync
). Since Node is single-threaded, you should be careful when using synchronous operations, because they will block the entire process.
If a process is blocked by a synchronous operation, the entire execution cycle (including the event loop) is halted. That means other asynchronous code, including events and event handlers, will not run and your program will continue to wait until the single blocking operation has completed.
There are appropriate uses for both synchronous and asynchronous operations, but care must be taken that they are utilized properly.
While everything in Node.js is generally done asynchronously, require()
is not one of those things. Since modules in practice only need to be loaded once, it is a blocking operation and should be used properly.
Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. Should you be editing a module in development, you will need to delete its entry in the module cache in order to use new changes. That being said, even if a module is cleared out of the module cache, the module itself is not garbage collected, so care should be taken for its use in production environments.
You can create package.json
npm init
which will ask you about basic facts about your projects, including license identifier.
When an event "fires" (which means the same as "publishing an event" or "emitting an event"), each listener will be called synchronously (source), along with any accompanying data that was passed in to emit()
, no matter how many arguments you pass in:
myDog.on('bark', (howLoud, howLong, howIntense) => { // handle the event }) myDog.emit('bark', 'loudly', '5 seconds long', 'fiercely')
The listeners will be called in the order they were registered:
myDog.on('urinate', () => console.log('My first thought was "Oh-no"')) myDog.on('urinate', () => console.log('My second thought was "Not my lawn :)"')) myDog.emit('urinate') // The console.logs will happen in the right order because they were registered in that order.
But if you need a listener to fire first, before all of the other listeners that have already been added, you can use prependListener()
like so:
myDog.prependListener('urinate', () => console.log('This happens before my first and second thoughts, even though it was registered after them'))
If you need to listen to an event, but you only want to hear about it once, you can use once
instead of on
, or prependOnceListener
instead of prependListener
. After the event is fired and the listener gets called, the listener will automatically be removed, and won't be called again the next time the event is fired.
Finally, if you want to remove all of the listeners and start over, feel free to do just that:
When dealing with child processes, all of the asynchronous methods will return an instance of ChildProcess
, while all the synchronous versions will return the output of whatever was run. Like other synchronous operations in Node.js, if an error occurs, it will throw.
Note that cluster.fork()
spawns a child process that begins executing the current script from the beginning, in contrast to the fork()
system call in C which clones the current process and continues from the instruction after the system call in both parent and child process.
The Node.js Documentation has a more complete guide to clusters here
The urls used in the above examples reference a specific version of Node Version Manager. It is most likely that the latest version is different to what's being referenced. To install nvm using the latest version, click here to access nvm on GitHub, which will provide you with latest urls.
Node.js uses streams to handle incoming data.
Quoting from the docs,
A stream is an abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node.js. The stream module provides a base API that makes it easy to build objects that implement the stream interface.
To handle in request body of a POST request, use the request
object, which is a readable stream. Data streams are emitted as data
events on the request
request.on('data', chunk => {
buffer += chunk;
request.on('end', () => {
// POST request body is now available as `buffer`
Simply create an empty buffer string and append the buffer data as it received via data
events is of type Bufferbuffer
string inside the request handler.Though Node has many framework to help you getting your server up and running, mainly:
Express: The most used framework
Total: The ALL-IN-ONE UNITY framework, that have everything and do not depend on any other framework or module.
But, there is always no one size fits all, so developer may need to build his/her own server, without any other dependency.
If the app i accessed through external server, CORS could be an issue, a code to avoid it had been provided.
If you're going to be using Express to render views using a View Engine, you'll need to pass the virtualDirPath
value in to your views
`res.render('index', { virtualDirPath: virtualDirPath });`
The reason for doing this is to make your hyperlinks to other views host by your app and static resource paths to know where the site is being hosted without needing to modify all views after deployment. This is one of the more annoying and tedious pitfalls of using Virtual Directories with IISNode.
All of the examples above work with
Further reading:
The Installing grunt guide has detailed information about installing specific, production or in-development, versions of Grunt and grunt-cli.
The Configuring Tasks guide has an in-depth explanation on how to configure tasks, targets, options and files inside the Gruntfile, along with an explanation of templates, globbing patterns and importing external data.
The Creating Tasks guide lists the differences between the types of Grunt tasks and shows a number of sample tasks and configurations.
I would recommend to a beginner to start with this style of coding. And if anybody can suggest a better way(p.s i opted this technique and is working efficiently for me in an app used by more then 100k users), feel free for any suggestions. TIA.
We have covered the basic and most commonly used operations in node_redis. You can use this module to leverage the full power of Redis and create really sophisticated Node.js apps. You can build many interesting things with this library such as a strong caching layer, a powerful Pub/Sub messaging system and more. To know more about the library check out their documentation.
These are the basic CRUD operations for using mongo db with nodejs.
Question: Are there other ways you can do what is done here ??
Answer : Yes, there are numerous way to do this.
Question: Is using mongoose necessary ??
Answer : No. There are other packages available which can help you.
Question: Where can I get full documentation of mongoose ??
Answer: Click Here
Password must always be hashed. A simple way to secure passwords using NodeJS would be to use bcrypt-nodejs module.
More information can be found here:
The node-inspector fails to attach to the node bebug process sometimes in which case you will not be able to get the debug breakpoint in devtools .Try refreshing the devtools tab multiple times and wait for some seconds to see if it is in debug mode.
If not restart the node-inspector from command line.
At last, Using Express Router you can use routing facility in you application and it is easy to implement.
We have assumed that we will have a local instance of mssql database server running on local machine . You can refer this document to do the same .
Also make sure you appropriate user created with privileges added as well.
The project above uses browserify and vue.js modules as application base view and minification libs. So the project structure may changes minutely based on which mvc framework you use e.g. The build directory in public will need to contain all the mvc code. You can have a task which does this for you .
Understanding the Event Loop is important to understand how and why to use multiple threads.
There are several other Active Directory APIS, such as activedirectory2
and adldap
Using require()
allows code to be structured in a way similar to Java's use of classes and public methods. If a function is .export
'ed, it can be require
'ed in another file to be used. If a file is not .export
'ed, it cannot be used in another file.