The urls used in the above examples reference a specific version of Node Version Manager. It is most likely that the latest version is different to what's being referenced. To install nvm using the latest version, click here to access nvm on GitHub, which will provide you with latest urls.
You can use curl
curl -o- | bash
Or you can use wget
wget -qO- | bash
To verify that nvm has been installed, do:
command -v nvm
which should output 'nvm' if the installation was successful.
Listing available remote versions for installation
nvm ls-remote
Installing a remote version
nvm install <version>
For example
nvm install 0.10.13
To list available local versions of node through NVM:
nvm ls
For example, if nvm ls
$ nvm ls
You can switch to v5.5.0
nvm use v5.5.0
You can install Node Version Manager using git, curl or wget. You run these commands in Terminal on Mac OSX.
curl example:
curl -o- | bash
wget example:
wget -qO- | bash
To test that nvm was properly installed, close and re-open Terminal and enter nvm
. If you get a nvm: command not found message, your OS may not have the necessary .bash_profile file. In Terminal, enter touch ~/.bash_profile
and run the above install script again.
If you still get nvm: command not found, try the following:
nano .bashrc
. You should see an export script almost identical to the following:export NVM_DIR=”/Users/johndoe/.nvm” [ -s “$NVM_DIR/” ] && . “$NVM_DIR/”
nano .bash_profile
to open the Bash Profilenano .bashrc
to re-open the .bashrc filesource ~/.nvm/
to test if it's workingIf you want to set some alias name to installed node version, do:
nvm alias <name> <version>
Similary to unalias, do:
nvm unalias <name>
A proper usecase would be, if you want to set some other version than stable version as default alias. default
aliased versions are loaded on console by default.
nvm alias default 5.0.1
Then every time console/terminal starts 5.0.1 would be present by default.
nvm alias # lists all aliases created on nvm
List all the node versions installed
nvm ls
Run command using any node installed version
nvm run 4.5.0 --version or nvm exec 4.5.0 node --version
Running node v4.5.0 (npm v2.15.9)
nvm run 6.7.0 --version or nvm exec 6.7.0 node --version
Running node v6.7.0 (npm v3.10.3)
nvm run default --version or nvm exec default node --version
Running node v6.7.0 (npm v3.10.3)
To install node LTS version
nvm install --lts
Version Switching
nvm use v4.5.0 or nvm use stable ( alias )