This section provides a basic overview and superficial introduction to rx-java.
RxJava is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions: a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.
Learn more about RxJava on the Wiki Home.
This document describes the basic behaviour of an operator.
This documentation provides details and explanations about Subject
. For more information and further reading, please visit the official documentation.
Because all the Schedulers methods are static, unit tests utilizing the RxJava hooks cannot be ran in parallel on the same JVM instance. If they where, one TestScheduler would be removed in the middle of a unit test. That is basically the downside of using the Schedulers class.
RxAndroid used to be a library with lot of features. It has been splitted in many different libraries moving from version 0.25.0 to 1.x.
A list of libraries that implement the features available before the 1.0 is maintained here.
the example needs rxjava2 as a dependency, the maven coordinates for the used version are: