The processor affinity of a thread is the set of processors it has a relationship to. In other words, those it can be scheduled to run on.
Processor affinity represents each processor as a bit. Bit 0 represents processor one, bit 1 represents processor two, and so on.
public static int GetProcessAffinityMask(string processName = null)
Process myProcess = GetProcessByName(ref processName);
int processorAffinity = (int)myProcess.ProcessorAffinity;
Console.WriteLine("Process {0} Affinity Mask is : {1}", processName, FormatAffinity(processorAffinity));
return processorAffinity;
public static Process GetProcessByName(ref string processName)
Process myProcess;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(processName))
myProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
processName = myProcess.ProcessName;
Process[] processList = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
myProcess = processList[0];
return myProcess;
private static string FormatAffinity(int affinity)
return Convert.ToString(affinity, 2).PadLeft(Environment.ProcessorCount, '0');
Example of usage :
private static void Main(string[] args)
// Output:
// Process Test.vshost Affinity Mask is : 11111111
public static void SetProcessAffinityMask(int affinity, string processName = null)
Process myProcess = GetProcessByName(ref processName);
Console.WriteLine("Process {0} Old Affinity Mask is : {1}", processName, FormatAffinity((int)myProcess.ProcessorAffinity));
myProcess.ProcessorAffinity = new IntPtr(affinity);
Console.WriteLine("Process {0} New Affinity Mask is : {1}", processName, FormatAffinity((int)myProcess.ProcessorAffinity));
Example of usage :
private static void Main(string[] args)
int newAffinity = Convert.ToInt32("10101010", 2);
// Output :
// Process Test.vshost Old Affinity Mask is : 11111111
// Process Test.vshost New Affinity Mask is : 10101010
Parameter | Details |
affinity | integer that describes the set of processors on which the process is allowed to run. For example, on a 8 processor system if you want your process to be executed only on processors 3 and 4 than you choose affinity like this : 00001100 which equals 12 |