Getting started with advanced-custom-fields

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This section provides an overview of what advanced-custom-fields is, and why a developer might want to use it.

It should also mention any large subjects within advanced-custom-fields, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for advanced-custom-fields is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.

Additional Info:

Standard Version (SV): Version 4.4.11 (10-23-2016)

SV includes the following field types:

Text, text area, number, email, password, WYSIWYG editor, image upload, file upload, select, checkbox, radio buttons, true/false, page link, post object, relationship, taxonomy, user, google maps, date picker, color picker, tab, message, and the ability to create your own custom field type.

Pro Version (PRO): Version 5.4.8 (10-17-2016)

PRO includes everything in SV, with the addition of the following field types:

Repeater, Gallery, Flexible Content, Clone, and Options Pages

PRO bundles both the SV version of the premium add-ons into one plugin. As it contains the same code-base, upgrading from SV to PRO is noted as having 100% compatibility in data.


Standard Version

To install the standard version, go to the Plugin section of your WordPress installation. Search for "Advanced Custom Fields" and install/activate. You will now have access to a new area in the WordPress administrative area labeled "Custom Fields" where you can create your first custom field group.

Pro Version

To install the pro version, download from the "Licenses and Downloads" area of the My Account section of the ACF website. Then go to the Plugin section of your WordPress installation. Upload the file, and then install/active. You will now have access to a new area in the WordPress administrative area labeled "Custom Fields" where you can create your first custom field group. To register your copy of ACF, use the license key (also available in the "Licenses and Downloads" area of your ACF account area) and paste it in the license field under the following menu area in your WordPress installation: Custom Fields > Updates. You can upgrade an existing license at any time by logging into your ACF account and following the prompts.


Topic Id: 7512

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