Cycle Sort is sorting algorithm which uses comparison sort that is theoretically optimal in terms of the total number of writes to original array, unlike any other in-place sorting algorithm. Cycle sort is unstable sorting algorithm. It is based on idea of permutation in which permutations are factored into cycles, which individually rotate and return a sorted output.
Example of Cycle Sort:
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
output = 0
for cycleStart from 0 to length(array) - 2
item = array[cycleStart]
pos = cycleStart
for i from cycleStart + 1 to length(array) - 1
if array[i] < item:
pos += 1
if pos == cycleStart:
while item == array[pos]:
pos += 1
array[pos], item = item, array[pos]
writes += 1
while pos != cycleStart:
pos = cycleStart
for i from cycleStart + 1 to length(array) - 1
if array[i] < item:
pos += 1
while item == array[pos]:
pos += 1
array[pos], item = item, array[pos]
writes += 1
return outout
public class CycleSort
public static void SortCycle(int[] input)
for (var i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
var item = input[i];
var position = i;
var k = input.Where((t, j) => position != j && t < item).Count();
if (position == k) continue;
while (position != k && item == input[k])
var temp = input[k];
input[k] = item;
item = temp;
position = k;
} while (position != i);
public static int[] Main(int[] input)
return input;