Data List

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Data Binding in


<asp:DataList runat="server" CssClass="sample" RepeatLayout="Flow" ID="dlsamplecontent" RepeatDirection="Vertical" OnItemCommand="dlsamplecontent_ItemCommand">
       <ItemStyle CssClass="tdContainer" />
             //you code 


public void GetSamplingContentType()
            ErrorLogger.gstrClientMethodName = this.GetType().FullName + "_" + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " : ";

         DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dlsamplecontent.DataSource = dt;

        catch (Exception ex)

Item Command and Retrieving Id using Command argument

 protected void dlsamplecontent_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)

            int BlogId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
            if (e.CommandName == "SampleName")
               //your code 

        catch (Exception ex)


  1. ItemTemplate:It potrays the content and layout of items within the list.This is mandatory Required
  2. AlternatingItemTemplate:If mentioned, determines the content and layout of alternating items. If not mentioned, ItemTemplate is used.
  3. SeparatorTemplate : If mentioned, is rendered between items (and alternating items). If not mentioned, a separator is not rendered.
  4. SelectedItemTemplate : If mentioned, determines the content and layout of the selected item. If not mentioned, ItemTemplate (AlternatingItemTemplate) is used.
  5. EditItemTemplate :If mentioned, determines the content and layout of the item being edited. If not mentioned, ItemTemplate (AlternatingItemTemplate, SelectedItemTemplate) is used.
  6. HeaderTemplate:If mentioned, determines the content and layout of the list header. If not mentioned, the header is not rendered.
  7. FooterTemplate:If mentioned, determines the content and layout of the list footer. If not mentioned, the footer is not rendered.


Topic Id: 7041

Example Ids: 23684

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