To use an in memory cache in your ASP.NET application, add the following dependencies to your project.json
"Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory": "1.0.0-rc2-final",
add the cache service (from Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory) to ConfigureServices method in Startup class
To add items to the cache in our application, we will use IMemoryCache
which can be injected to any class (for example Controller) as shown below.
private IMemoryCache _memoryCache;
public HomeController(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
_memoryCache = memoryCache;
Get will return the value if it exists, but otherwise returns null
// try to get the cached item; null if not found
// greeting = _memoryCache.Get(cacheKey) as string;
// alternately, TryGet returns true if the cache entry was found
if(!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out greeting))
Use the Set method to write to the cache. Set accepts the key to use to look up the value, the value to be cached, and a set of MemoryCacheEntryOptions
. The MemoryCacheEntryOptions
allow you to specify absolute or sliding time-based cache expiration, caching priority, callbacks, and dependencies. One of the sample below-
_memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, greeting,
new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
To leverage distributed cache, you'll have to reference one of the available implementations :
For instance you'll register Redis implemention as follows :
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDistributedRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = "ServerAdress";
options.InstanceName = "InstanceName";
Require IDistributedCache
dependency where you need it:
public class BooksController { private IDistributedCache distributedCache; public BooksController(IDistributedCache distributedCache) { this.distributedCache = distributedCache; } [HttpGet] public async Task<Books[]> GetAllBooks() { var serialized = this.distributedCache.GetStringAsync($"allbooks"); Books[] books = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serialized)) { books = await Books.FetchAllAsync(); this.distributedCache.SetStringAsync($"allbooks", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(books)); } else { books = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Books[]>(serialized); } return books; } }