Open a File in a Script

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Open a File through Windows Explorer

Inside the script, use the first line to store the very first variable (in this example, %1%) with a name to deal with. Example: OpenWithFile = %1%

Once you open a file with this script through Windows (Right click on any file on MS Windows and choose 'Open with...' then select the compiled version of the script such as script.exe) the name of the choosed file will be stored in this variable and, so, the script will be able to work with it. Example:

OpenWithFile = %1%
if OpenWithFile !=
FileRead, content, %OpenWithFile%
msgbox %content%

Open a File through SelectFile dialog box

The following example creates a Gui with a single button wich brings the SelectFile dialog box.

Gui, Loader: New 
Gui, Loader: Add, Button, Default Center w220 vLOAD, LOAD
Gui, Loader: Show, AutoSize Center, Loader


FileSelectFile, LoadedFile, , , ,

if ErrorLevel=1

    FileRead, content, %LoadedFile%
    msgbox %content%    

Open a File through Windows Drag n' Drop

This examples creates a new empty Gui sensible to Drag n' Drop event:

Gui, Dropper: New
Gui, Dropper: Font, s10 w700
Gui, Dropper: Add, Text, y80 vText1, Drag the files here
Gui, Dropper: Show, w200 h200 Center, Dropper



    FileRead, content, %DroppedFile%
    msgbox %content%    



Topic Id: 9070

Example Ids: 28157,28158,28159

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