Interaction with Excel

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Simple writing to Excel

A basic script showing the fundamentals of how to create/open, write to, and save an Excel spreadsheet. Using the AutoIt Excel library functions.

; Include definitions of the User Excel functions
#include <Excel.au3>

; Include Message Box codes for the error messages
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

; Constants
$xlforce   = True            ; True = force new instance, False = use existing
$xlkeybrd  = True            ; True = allow keys,           False = block keys
$xlscreen  = True            ; True = live screen,          False = suppressed
$xlvisible = True            ; True = visible,                False = invisible

; Variables
$book  = 0                    ; The workbook
$excel = 0                    ; The instance of Excel
$range = 0                    ; Range object within a sheet

; Create an instance of Excel and attach this script to it
; Use the constants defined above to control visibility of the Excel window
$excel = _Excel_Open($xlvisible, False, $xlvisible, $xlkeybrd, $xlforce)
If ($excel = 0) Then HandleError("Excel creation failed ")

; Create a new workbook with one worksheet within the opened instance
$book = _Excel_BookNew($excel, 1)
If ($book = 0) Then HandleError("Workbook creation failed ")

; Example write to a single cell in the current sheet - writes 42 to cell B2
$range = _Excel_RangeWrite($book, Default, 42, "B2")
If ($range = 0) Then HandleError("Write cell failed ")

; Example write to a block in the current sheet - writes to cells D4:E5
Local $xy[2][2] = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
$range = _Excel_RangeWrite($book, Default, $xy, "D4:E5")
If ($range = 0) Then HandleError("Write cell failed ")

; Save the created workbook - without a given path this will go to the temporary
; directory.  The argument 'TRUE' forces an overwrite of any existing file
$err = _Excel_BookSaveAs($book, "test.xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault, True)
If ($err = 0) Then HandleError("Workbook save failed ")

; Close the workbook.  The argument 'TRUE' will save any changes
$err = _Excel_BookClose($book, True)
If ($err = 0) Then HandleError("Workbook close failed ")

; Close the created instance of Excel
;     First argument 'TRUE' saves changes to any open worksheets
;    Second argument 'FALSE' prevents closure if the instance was not new at _Excel_Open()
$err = _Excel_Close($excel, True, False)
If ($err = 0) Then HandleError("Excel close failed ")

Exit                                    ; End of script

; Error handler function - very simple, just aborts
Func HandleError($message)
   MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL + $MB_ICONERROR, "Excel Test", $message & @error, 5)


Topic Id: 7872

Example Ids: 25584

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