#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/process/windows.hpp>
int Run(
const std::string& exeName, ///< could also be UTF-16 for Windows
const std::string& args, ///< could also be UTF-16 for Windows
const std::string& input, ///< [in] data for stdin
std::string& output, ///< [out] data from stdout
std::string& error ///< [out] data from stderr
using namespace boost;
asio::io_service ios;
// stdout setup
std::vector<char> vOut(128 << 10); // that worked well for my decoding app.
auto outBuffer{ asio::buffer(vOut) };
process::async_pipe pipeOut(ios);
std::function<void(const system::error_code & ec, std::size_t n)> onStdOut;
onStdOut = [&](const system::error_code & ec, size_t n)
output.reserve(output.size() + n);
output.insert(output.end(), vOut.begin(), vOut.begin() + n);
if (!ec)
asio::async_read(pipeOut, outBuffer, onStdOut);
// stderr setup
std::vector<char> vErr(128 << 10);
auto errBuffer{ asio::buffer(vErr) };
process::async_pipe pipeErr(ios);
std::function<void(const system::error_code & ec, std::size_t n)> onStdErr;
onStdErr = [&](const system::error_code & ec, size_t n)
error.reserve(error.size() + n);
error.insert(error.end(), vErr.begin(), vErr.begin() + n);
if (!ec)
asio::async_read(pipeErr, errBuffer, onStdErr);
// stdin setup
auto inBuffer{ asio::buffer(input) };
process::async_pipe pipeIn(ios);
process::child c(
exeName + " " + args, // exeName must be full path
process::std_out > pipeOut,
process::std_err > pipeErr,
process::std_in < pipeIn
asio::async_write(pipeIn, inBuffer,
[&](const system::error_code & ec, std::size_t n)
pipeIn.async_close(); // tells the child we have no more data
asio::async_read(pipeOut, outBuffer, onStdOut);
asio::async_read(pipeErr, errBuffer, onStdErr);
return c.exit_code(); // return the process' exit code.
There is a bug/fix for boost 1.64, the bug only affects Windows, apparently.
reference: https://github.com/klemens-morgenstern/boost-process/issues/90 and https://github.com/klemens-morgenstern/boost-process/commit/74814e46c1614850a8e447fd689c21cf82f36ceb
in file boost\process\detail\windows\async_pipe.hpp, line 79
//if (_sink .native() != ::boost::detail::winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE_)
// ::boost::detail::winapi::CloseHandle(_sink.native());
//if (_source.native() != ::boost::detail::winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE_)
// ::boost::detail::winapi::CloseHandle(_source.native());
boost::system::error_code ec;