Prepare Data for Training

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Prepare image dataset for image classification task

Caffe has a build-in input layer tailored for image classification tasks (i.e., single integer label per input image). This input "Data" layer is built upon an or data structure. In order to use "Data" layer one has to construct the data structure with all training data.

A quick guide to Caffe's convert_imageset


First thing you must do is build caffe and caffe's tools (convert_imageset is one of these tools).
After installing caffe and makeing it make sure you ran make tools as well.
Verify that a binary file convert_imageset is created in $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools.

Prepare your data

Images: put all images in a folder (I'll call it here /path/to/jpegs/).
Labels: create a text file (e.g., /path/to/labels/train.txt) with a line per input image <path/to/file> . For example:

img_0000.jpeg 1
img_0001.jpeg 0
img_0002.jpeg 0

In this example the first image is labeled 1 while the other two are labeled 0.

Convert the dataset

Run the binary in shell

~$ GLOG_logtostderr=1 $CAFFE_ROOT/build/tools/convert_imageset \
    --resize_height=200 --resize_width=200 --shuffle  \
    /path/to/jpegs/ \
    /path/to/labels/train.txt \

Command line explained:

  • GLOG_logtostderr flag is set to 1 before calling convert_imageset indicates the logging mechanism to redirect log messages to stderr.
  • --resize_height and --resize_width resize all input images to same size 200x200.
  • --shuffle randomly change the order of images and does not preserve the order in the /path/to/labels/train.txt file.
  • Following are the path to the images folder, the labels text file and the output name. Note that the output name should not exist prior to calling convert_imageset otherwise you'll get a scary error message.

Other flags that might be useful:

  • --backend - allows you to choose between an lmdb dataset or levelDB.
  • --gray - convert all images to gray scale.
  • --encoded and --encoded_type - keep image data in encoded (jpg/png) compressed form in the database.
  • --help - shows some help, see all relevant flags under Flags from tools/convert_imageset.cpp

You can check out $CAFFE_ROOT/examples/imagenet/ for an example how to use convert_imageset.

see this thread for more information.

Prepare arbitrary data in HDF5 format

In addition to image classification datasets, Caffe also have "HDF5Data" layer for arbitrary inputs. This layer requires all training/validation data to be stored in format files.
This example shows how to use python h5py module to construct such hdf5 file and how to setup caffe "HDF5Data" layer to read that file.

Build the hdf5 binary file

Assuming you have a text file 'train.txt' with each line with an image file name and a single floating point number to be used as regression target.

import h5py, os
import caffe
import numpy as np

SIZE = 224 # fixed size to all images
with open( 'train.txt', 'r' ) as T :
    lines = T.readlines()
# If you do not have enough memory split data into
# multiple batches and generate multiple separate h5 files
X = np.zeros( (len(lines), 3, SIZE, SIZE), dtype='f4' ) 
y = np.zeros( (1,len(lines)), dtype='f4' )
for i,l in enumerate(lines):
    sp = l.split(' ')
    img = sp[0] )
    img = img, (SIZE, SIZE, 3) ) # resize to fixed size
    # you may apply other input transformations here...
    # Note that the transformation should take img from size-by-size-by-3 and transpose it to 3-by-size-by-size
    X[i] = img
    y[i] = float(sp[1])
with h5py.File('train.h5','w') as H:
    H.create_dataset( 'X', data=X ) # note the name X given to the dataset!
    H.create_dataset( 'y', data=y ) # note the name y given to the dataset!
with open('train_h5_list.txt','w') as L:
    L.write( 'train.h5' ) # list all h5 files you are going to use

Configuring "HDF5Data" layer

Once you have all h5 files and the corresponding test files listing them you can add an HDF5 input layer to your train_val.prototxt:

 layer {
   type: "HDF5Data"
   top: "X" # same name as given in create_dataset!
   top: "y"
   hdf5_data_param {
     source: "train_h5_list.txt" # do not give the h5 files directly, but the list.
     batch_size: 32
   include { phase:TRAIN }

You can find more information here and here.

As shown in above, we pass into Caffe a list of HDF5 files. That is because in the current version there's a size limit of 2GB for a single HDF5 data file. So if the training data exceeds 2GB, we'll need to split it into separate files.

If a single HDF5 data file exceeds 2GB we'll get an error message like

Check failed: shape[i] <= 2147483647 / count_ (100 vs. 71) blob size exceeds INT_MAX

If the total amount of data is less than 2GB, shall we split the data into separate files or not?

According to a piece of comment in Caffe's source code, a single file would be better,

If shuffle == true, the ordering of the HDF5 files is shuffled, and the ordering of data within any given HDF5 file is shuffled, but data between different files are not interleaved.


Topic Id: 5344

Example Ids: 19019,19117

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