The header, which includes the defn
keyword, the name of the function.
(defn welcome ....)
An optional Docstring that explains and document what the function does.
(defn welcome
"Return a welcome message to the world"
Parameters listed in brackets.
(defn welcome
"Return a welcome message"
The body, which describes the procedures the function carries out.
(defn welcome
"Return a welcome message"
(str "Hello, " name "!"))
Calling it:
=> (welcome "World")
"Hello, World!"
Clojure functions can be defined with zero or more parameters.
(defn welcome
"Without parameters"
(defn square
"Take one parameter"
(* x x))
(defn multiplier
"Two parameters"
[x y]
(* x y))
The number of arguments a function takes. Functions support arity overloading, which means that functions in Clojure allow for more than one "set" of arguments.
(defn sum-args
;; 3 arguments
([x y z]
(+ x y z))
;; 2 arguments
([x y]
(+ x y))
;; 1 argument
(+ x 1)))
The arities don't have to do the same job, each arity can do something unrelated:
(defn do-something
;; 2 arguments
([first second]
(str first " " second))
;; 1 argument
(* x x x)))
A Clojure function can be defined to take an arbitrary number of arguments, using the symbol & in its argument list. All remaining arguments are collected as a sequence.
(defn sum [& args]
(apply + args))
(defn sum-and-multiply [x & args]
(* x (apply + args)))
=> (sum 1 11 23 42)
=> (sum-and-multiply 2 1 2 3) ;; 2*(1+2+3)
There are two ways to define an anonymous function: the full syntax and a shorthand.
(fn [x y] (+ x y))
This expression evaluates to a function. Any syntax you can use with a function defined with defn
, argument destructuring, etc.), you can also do with with the fn
form. defn
is actually a macro that just does (def (fn ...))
#(+ %1 %2)
This is the shorthand notation. Using the shorthand notation, you don't have to name arguments explicitly; they'll be assigned the names %1
, %2
, %3
and so on according to the order they're passed in. If the function only has one argument, its argument is called just %
The shorthand notation has some limitations. You can't destructure an argument, and you can't nest shorthand anonymous functions. The following code throws an error:
(def f #(map #(+ %1 2) %1))
You can use varargs with shorthand anonymous functions. This is completely legal:
#(every? even? %&)
It takes a variable number of arguments and returns true if every one of them is even:
(#(every? even? %&) 2 4 6 8)
;; true
(#(every? even? %&) 1 2 4 6)
;; false
Despite the apparent contradiction, it is possible to write a named anonymous function by including a name, as in the following example. This is especially useful if the function needs to call itself but also in stack traces.
(fn addition [& addends] (apply + addends))