State Management with re-frame (

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1. Simple Dispatch event

We will look at a simple dispatch event with the example usage.

  (:require [re-frame.core :refer [reg-event-db]]))                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 (fn [db [_ _]]                                                                                                                                               
   (assoc-in db [:global :enable-feature-toggle] true)))                                                                                                      

This is creating a event called :enable-feature-toggle which will create a entry in db {:global {:enable-feature-toggle true}}. A db is like a global store for preserving the event outcomes. These outcomes can then be subscribed to, and used to modify the state of the element as we will see in the Simple Subscribe Event example.

After creating the event we actually have to dispatch the event somewhere in our code/UI components to make some use of it. For example, if we want to do some action on click of a div, we can fire an on-click event.

  (:require []
            [re-frame.core :refer [dispatch]]))

(defn cljs-header []
    [:div {:class "cljs-header"                                                                                                                               
           :on-click #(dispatch [:enable-feature-toggle])} "Click Me"])

As soon as we click on the div, the :enable-feature-toggle event will be fired and a new value will be set in the db.


Topic Id: 9932

Example Ids: 30539

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