CoffeeScript provides a basic class structure that allows you to name your class, set the superclass, assign prototypal properties, and define the constructor, in a single assignable expression.
Small example below:
class Animal
constructor: (@name) ->
move: (meters) ->
alert @name + " moved #{meters}m."
class Snake extends Animal
move: ->
alert "Slithering..."
super 5
class Horse extends Animal
move: ->
alert "Galloping..."
super 45
sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python"
tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino"
This will show 4 popups:
If you feel the need to extend an object's prototype, ::
gives you quick access to an it so you can add methods to it and later use this method on all instances of that method.
String::dasherize = ->
this.replace /_/g, "-"
The above example will give you the ability to use the dasherize method on all Strings. This will replace all underscores to dashes.