Working with databases

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Simple use of PostgreSQL with Postmodern

Postmodern is a library to interface the relational database PostgreSQL. It offers several levels of access to PostgreSQL, from the execution of SQL queries represented as strings, or as lists, to an object-relational mapping.

The database used in the following examples can be created with these SQL statements:

create table employees
  (empid integer not null primary key,
   name text not null,
   birthdate date not null,
   skills text[] not null);
insert into employees (empid, name, birthdate, skills) values
  (1, 'John Orange', '1991-07-26', '{C, Java}'),
  (2, 'Mary Red', '1989-04-14', '{C, Common Lisp, Hunchentoot}'),
  (3, 'Ron Blue', '1974-01-17', '{JavaScript, Common Lisp}'),
  (4, 'Lucy Green', '1968-02-02', '{Java, JavaScript}');

The first example shows the result of a simple query returning a relation:

CL-USER> (ql:quickload "postmodern")   ; load the system postmodern (nickname: pomo)
CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
             (pomo:query "select name, skills from employees")))
(("John Orange" #("C" "Java"))                  ; output manually edited!
 ("Mary Red" #("C" "Common Lisp" "Hunchentoot"))
 ("Ron Blue" #("JavaScript" "Common Lisp"))
 ("Lucy Green" #("Java" "JavaScript")))
4                                               ; the second value is the size of the result

Note that the result can be returned as list of alists or plists adding the optional parameters :alists or :plists to the query function.

An alternative to query is doquery, to iterate over the results of a query. Its parameters are query (&rest names) &body body, where names are bound to the values in the row at each iteration:

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
             (format t "The employees that knows Java are:~%")
             (pomo:doquery "select empid, name from employees where skills @> '{Java}'" (i n)
               (format t "~a (id = ~a)~%" n i))))
The employees that knows Java are:
John Orange (id = 1)
Lucy Green (id = 4)

When the query requires parameters, one can use prepared statements:

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
               (pomo:prepare "select name, skills from employees where skills @> $1")
               #("Common Lisp"))))    ; find employees with skills including Common Lisp
(("Mary Red" #("C" "Common Lisp" "Hunchentoot"))
 ("Ron Blue" #("JavaScript" "Common Lisp")))

The function prepare receives a query with placeholders $1, $2, etc. and returns a new function that requires one parameter for each placeholder and executes the query when called with the right number of arguments.

In case of updates, the function exec returns the number of tuples modified (the two DDL statements are enclosed in a transaction):

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
                 (pomo:execute "alter table employees add column salary integer")
                 (pomo:execute "update employees set salary =
                                     case when skills @> '{Common Lisp}'
                                     then 100000 else 50000 end")))))

In addition to writing SQL queries as strings, one can use of lists of keywords, symbols and constants, with a syntax reminiscent of lisp (S-SQL):

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
             (pomo:query (:select 'name :from 'employees :where (:> 'salary 60000)))))
(("Mary Red") ("Ron Blue"))


Topic Id: 4558

Example Ids: 15992

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