Cucumber features are written in the Gherkin language and stored in files with the suffix .feature
. This topic gives examples of each feature of Gherkin.
In features/documentation.feature:
Feature: Documentation
Scenario: User views documentation
When I go to the "Cucumber" documentation
Then I should see the "Cucumber" documentation
A minimal feature has a Feature
line and a Scenario
with one or more steps beginning with When
, Then
or another Gherkin keyword.
A sensible scenario would probably have more than one step.
Template as below
Scenario Outline: As a homemaker i want to buy and pay for the below product
Given I purchase <a product>
And I require a carry bag to take things to home
When I pay bill using <payment method> to successfully checkout
Then I should have a receipt
| a product | payment method |
| Cake | Visa |
| Coke | Paypal |
Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired
Textual description of the business value of this feature
Business rules that govern the scope of the feature
Any additional information that will make the feature easier to understand
Given some precondition needed for all scenarios in this file
And another precondition
Scenario: Some determinable business situation
Textual description of the business value of this scenario
Business rules that govern the scope of the scenario
Any additional information that will make the scenario easier to understand
Given some precondition
And some other precondition
When some action by the actor
And some other action
And yet another action
Then some testable outcome is achieved
And something else we can check happens too
But something else we can check does not happen
Scenario Outline: Some determinable business situation
Given I am <precondition>
And some other precondition
When some action by the actor
Then I have <outcome> rights
| precondition | outcome |
| username1 | customer |
| username2 | admin |
The following keywords are interchangable, but depending on context, may be better to use:
| Ability:
| Business Need:
Scenario Outline:
| Scenario Template:
| Scenarios:
| When
| Then
| And
| But
| *