How to Setup Three Node Mongo Replica using Docker Image and Provisioned using Chef

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Build Step


  1. Generate a Base 64 keyfile for Mongo node authentication. Place this file in chef data_bags

  2. Go to chef suppermarket and download docker cookbook. Generate a custom cookbook (e.g custom_mongo) and add depends 'docker', '~> 2.0' to your cookbook's metadata.rb

  3. Create an attributes and recipe in your custom cookbook

  4. Initialise Mongo to form Rep Set cluster

Step 1: Create Key file

create data_bag called mongo-keyfile and item called keyfile. This will be in the data_bags directory in chef. Item content will be as below

openssl rand -base64 756 > <path-to-keyfile>

keyfile item content

  "id": "keyfile",
  "comment": "Mongo Repset keyfile",
  "key-file": "generated base 64 key above"

Step 2: Download docker cookbook from chef supper market and then create custom_mongo cookbook

knife cookbook site download docker 
knife cookbook create custom_mongo

in metadat.rb of custom_mongo add

depends          'docker', '~> 2.0'

Step 3: create attribute and recipe


default['custom_mongo']['mongo_keyfile'] = '/data/keyfile' 
default['custom_mongo']['mongo_datadir'] = '/data/db'
default['custom_mongo']['mongo_datapath'] = '/data'
default['custom_mongo']['keyfilename'] = 'mongodb-keyfile'


# Cookbook Name:: custom_mongo
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2017, Innocent Anigbo
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute

data_path = "#{node['custom_mongo']['mongo_datapath']}"
data_dir = "#{node['custom_mongo']['mongo_datadir']}"
key_dir = "#{node['custom_mongo']['mongo_keyfile']}"
keyfile_content = data_bag_item('mongo-keyfile', 'keyfile')
keyfile_name = "#{node['custom_mongo']['keyfilename']}"

#chown of keyfile to docker user
execute 'assign-user' do
 command "chown 999 #{key_dir}/#{keyfile_name}"
 action :nothing

#Declaration to create Mongo data DIR and Keyfile DIR
%W[ #{data_path} #{data_dir} #{key_dir} ].each do |path|
directory path do
  mode '0755'

#declaration to copy keyfile from data_bag to keyfile DIR on your mongo server
file "#{key_dir}/#{keyfile_name}" do
  content keyfile_content['key-file']
  group 'root'
  mode '0400'
  notifies :run, 'execute[assign-user]', :immediately

#Install docker
docker_service 'default' do
  action [:create, :start]

#Install mongo 3.4.2
docker_image 'mongo' do
  tag '3.4.2'
  action :pull

Create Role called mongo-role in role directory

  "name": "mongo-role",
  "description": "mongo DB Role",
  "run_list": [

Add role above to the three mongo nodes run list

knife node run_list add FQDN_of_node_01 'role[mongo-role]'
knife node run_list add FQDN_of_node_02 'role[mongo-role]'
knife node run_list add FQDN_of_node_03 'role[mongo-role]'

Step 4: Initialise the three node Mongo to form repset

I'm assuming that the above role has already been applied on all three Mongo nodes. On node 01 only, Start Mongo with --auth to enable authentication

docker run --name mongo -v /data/db:/data/db -v /data/keyfile:/opt/keyfile --hostname="" -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:3.4.2 --keyFile /opt/keyfile/mongodb-keyfile --auth

Access the interactive shell of running docker container on node 01 and Create admin user

docker exec -it mongo /bin/sh
    use admin
    db.createUser( {
         user: "admin-user",
         pwd: "password",
         roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

Create root user

db.createUser( {
         user: "RootAdmin",
         pwd: "password",
         roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" } ]

Stop and Delete the Docker container created above on node 01. This will not affect the data and keyfile in the host DIR. After deleting start Mongo again on node 01 but this time with with repset flag

docker rm -fv mongo
docker run --name mongo-uat -v /data/db:/data/db -v /data/keyfile:/opt/keyfile --hostname="" -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:3.4.2 --keyFile /opt/keyfile/mongodb-keyfile --replSet "rs0"

now start mongo on Node 02 and 03 with the rep set flag

docker run --name mongo -v /data/db:/data/db -v /data/keyfile:/opt/keyfile --hostname="" -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:3.4.2 --keyFile /opt/keyfile/mongodb-keyfile --replSet "rs0"
docker run --name mongo -v /data/db:/data/db -v /data/keyfile:/opt/keyfile --hostname="" -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:3.4.2 --keyFile /opt/keyfile/mongodb-keyfile --replSet "rs0"

Authenticate with the root user on Node 01 and initiate the replica set

use admin
db.auth("RootAdmin", "password");

On node 01 add Node 2 and 3 to the Replica Set to form repset0 cluster



On the primary run db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() and observe the SyncedTo and Behind the primary time. The later should be 0 sec as below


 rs0:PRIMARY> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
            syncedTo: Mon Mar 27 2017 15:01:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
            0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary
            syncedTo: Mon Mar 27 2017 15:01:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
            0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary

I hope this helps someone


Topic Id: 10014

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