This module can be used to :
Create a new element.
Delete an element from HTML document.
Place element in HTML document.
To be able to use the dom-construct
module we need to load it as fallow :
require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// Write code here
This function can be used to create an element and add it in a specific position. It also allows you to set attributes and content.
var node = domConstruct.create("div", { style: { color: "red" }}, "someId", "first");
This function allows you to delete an element including it's children and content from the document.
This function can be used to place nodes in a particular position in an HTML document
Usage"someNode", "refNode", "after");
This function can be used to delete content and all its children of a DOM element
This module provides function that allows you to manipulate CSS classes of DOM elements.
To be able to use the dom-class module we need to load it as fallow :
require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// Write code here
This function checks if a node contains a specific class
if (domClass.contains("someId", "className")){
// do something if it contains
This function allows you to add CSS Classes to a DOM node without duplication.
domClass.add("someId", "className");
This function allows you to remove CSS Classes from a DOM node.
domClass.remove("someId", "className");
This function allows you to remove classes and replace it with other classes.
domClass.replace("someId", "addedClassName", "removedClassName");
This function allows you to remove a class if it exist, or add it if it doesn't exist.
domClass.toggle("someId", "className");
Argument | Type |
node | DomNode or String |