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What is Drush?

Drush is a command-line scripting interface for Drupal sites. It allows for command-line management of Drupal sites.

Drush commands

Drush status

drush status

This will give you an overview of your Drupal site. Version, URI, database location, file paths, default theme etc. If you use this command and you do not see this information, it means you are in a wrong folder and Drush does not know which Drupal site you are referring to.

Resetting password for any user

drush upwd admin --password="newpassword"

Where "admin" is an existing username and "newpassword" is the desired password.

Generate a one time use admin login URL

drush uli

Generates a URL which can be used to login into the admin section. The URL has a one time use token. The result should look like this:


Sometimes the hostname or IP is not resolvable, and the result is a warning like this:

default does not appear to be a resolvable hostname or IP, not starting browser.   [warning]
You may need to use the --uri option in your command or site alias to indicate
the correct URL of this site.

The solution is using the "--url" parameter like the following example:

drush uli --uri="http://example.com/"

Clearing the caches

drush cache-rebuild

Rebuilds the cache for Drupal 8. For drupal 7, you can use

drush cache-clear

These commands are also available shorter with

drush cr


drush cc // optionally pass all to clear all the caches

Enable modules

drush pm-enable mymodule

Enable 'mymodule' like activating a module in the admin interface

These commands are also available shorter with

drush en mymodule // optionally pass the -y option to avoid the interactive question 


To enable the maintenance mode using Drush you can use this command:

drush vset maintenance_mode 1 // pass 0 to disable the maintenance

Remember to clear the caches after you have enabled / disabled the maintenance mode.

Export Configuration

In Drupal 7 and lower, your configuration is probably stored using the Features module. To update a feature with changes from the databases use this command:

drush features-update [feature-name] // e.g. drush features-update content_type_news

You can also use this shorthand:

drush fu [feature-name]

Drupal 8 using "Configuration Management". To export your configuration with drush use this command

drush config-export // optionally add -y to not have to verify it

You can also use the shorthand command

drush cex -y

Install Drush

Manual Global Installation

For OS X and Linux:

  1. Bring up Terminal, Bash, or your normal shell.

  2. Type the following into Terminal/Bash:

    # Download latest stable release using the code below or browse to github.com/drush-ops/drush/releases.
    php -r "readfile('http://files.drush.org/drush.phar');" > drush
    # Or use our upcoming release: php -r "readfile('http://files.drush.org/drush-unstable.phar');" > drush
    # Test your install.
    php drush core-status
    # Make `drush` executable as a command from anywhere. Destination can be anywhere on $PATH.
    chmod +x drush
    sudo mv drush /usr/local/bin
    # Optional. Enrich the bash startup file with completion and aliases.
    drush init

For Windows:

  1. Download Drush from GitHub.
  2. Extract the compressed file in your desired drive, for eg.
  3. Install Drush, define the extracted folder path in the environment path variable which should also include the Apache, PHP and MySQL.
  4. Verify that Drush works:
    drush status

Composer Global Installation

  1. Install Composer globally.
  2. Add Composer's bin directory to the system path by placing export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" into your ~/.bash_profile (OS X) or ~/.bashrc (Linux).
  3. Install Drush:
    composer global require drush/drush
  4. Verify that Drush works:
    drush status

More details from Drush Docs

Install Drush

Manual installation

Type below commands in Terminal.

php -r "readfile('http://files.drush.org/drush.phar');" > drush
chmod +x drush
sudo mv drush /usr/local/bin
drush init # Add alias in bash startup file.


Assuming composer is installed.

composer global require drush/drush:dev-master


Topic Id: 2062

Example Ids: 6753,8530,9674,9675

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