Get latest Eclipse CDT and then install the Qt package in it through "Help -> Install New Software".
Create an empty "workspace" directory alongside your CMake project source directory.
Launch Eclipse and switch to that "workspace" directory.
Create a C++ project (for Qt with Eclipse older than Neon: create "Qt Makefile Project" and then delete *.pro file, makefile and main.cpp from it)
Attaching Sources to the Project
Go to Project Properties -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location -> Link Folder.
Check "Advanced" and link the source folder of CMake project like that: ../../myproject/src/. It works because the workspace is just outside the CMake project directory.
CMake generator
Create Release folder in the project.
Go to "Make Target" view (Ctrl+3 and then type "Make Target" if it's hard to find). "Make Target" view looks similarly to project view.
Right click on the "Release" folder and then click "New...".
Uncheck "Same as target name".
Uncheck "Use builder settings".
Type in "Release" into "Target name" field.
Leave "Make target" empty.
Set "Build command" to something like cmake ../../../myproject/.
Click ok.
Double click on this "Release" make target that was just created in the Release folder. That will run cmake generation.
Go to Project Properties and create a "Release" configuration.
Make "Release" configuration active.
For "Release" configuration uncheck "Generate Makefiles automatically".
Set Build directory to "Release".
Enable parallel build.
Now, you can build the project from Eclipse with a usual Ctrl+b "Build".
Re-running CMake (to re-generate the makefiles)
Remove everything from the "Release" directory.
Go to "Make Target" view.
Double-click on the "Release" target.
Topic Id: 7028
Example Ids: 23654
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