Ember-Cli is a powerful tool which comes with many others to help us deploying faster and convenient. All you need to install Ember-Cli-Deploy and use ember deploy
Ember CLI Deploy structures your app’s deployment using a deploy pipeline, which consists of several pipeline hooks. These standard hooks are the foundation for a rich ecosystem of plugins which you can compose to create a deployment process suitable for your application.
As Ember-Cli-Deploy is an addon of Ember so you can easily install that with ember install ember-cli-deploy
. There are two useful other add-ons which make our build and compressing reliable during deployment.
Simply run the following commands:
# Install the Build plugin, which builds your app during deployment
ember install ember-cli-deploy-build
# Gzip our files
ember install ember-cli-deploy-gzip
However, if you are going to maximize your benefits using ember deploy
, it's most likey to have different environments in your Ember application and deploy production,staging or development version of your app with the appropriate configuration.
Platforms that you can deploy by now are:
Kindly refer to example section to see how you can deploy.
You must have installed Heroku Toolbelt first. Having an account in Heroku and installation of ember-cli-deploy are mandatory.
Creating a new Heroku instance from an Ember CLI application's parent directory:
$ heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/tonycoco/heroku-buildpack-ember-cli.git
$ git push heroku master
Firstly, it's required to install Microsoft’s module ember-cli-azure-deploy. You need to be in your application root directory.
npm install --save-dev -g ember-cli-azure-deploy
azure-deploy init
If you are using Yarn package manager you can simply install by:
yarn global add ember-cli-azure-deploy
azure-deploy init
This will create a deploy.sh
in your project's root folder, enabling Azure to follow a set of instructions - including installing all the required Node Modules, running ember build
and deploying the resulting dist/
folder to your website's wwwroot
First, you need to install Firebase tools. Simply, run the commands below:
Npm Package manager
npm install -g firebase-tools
or Yarn package manager
yarn add firebase-tools
To configure your application to be ready to deploy you need to run the following in your app’s root directory:
firebase init
finally, by running the following command you can deploy your application
firebase deploy
To proceed with the deployment to S3, we will install these plugins:
As they are Ember addon you can easily install by running the following commands
ember install ember-cli-deploy-s3-index
ember install ember-cli-deploy-s3
All you need after that is to configure deploy.js file which should under /config folder:
// config/deploy.js
module.exports = function(deployTarget) {
var ENV = {
build: {
environment: deployTarget
'revision-data': {
type: 'git-commit'
's3-index': {
accessKeyId: process.env['S3_ACCESS_KEY'],
secretAccessKey: process.env['S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'],
bucket: "your-app-deployment-bucket",
region: "YOUR REGISION",
allowOverwrite: true // if you want to overwrite index file if not change it to false
's3': {
accessKeyId: process.env['S3_ACCESS_KEY'],
secretAccessKey: process.env['S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'],
bucket: "your-app-deployment-bucket",
region: "YOUR REGISION",
return ENV;
Notice that we have used the environmental variables within our config.If you need to read configuration from a file, it’s also possible to return a promise that resolves with the ENV
object. Here is an example to define different environments in deploy.js file:
if (deployTarget === 'development') {
ENV.build.environment = 'development';
// configure other plugins for development deploy target here
if (deployTarget === 'staging') {
ENV.build.environment = 'production';
// configure other plugins for staging deploy target here
if (deployTarget === 'production') {
ENV.build.environment = 'production';
// configure other plugins for production deploy target here
Finally, you can easily run following command to deploy
ember deploy [YOUR APP ENVIRONMENT] //e.g-> ember deploy production or ember deploy staging
if you like to see details you can run:
ember deploy production --verbose --activate=true
parameters | details |
ember help | show all possible params and depth guide as well as shortcodes |