More details available in Ember guides, where this example was taken from.
Compatible with Ember 2.2.0+ (2.11.0 was the latest at the time of writing)
Use Ember CLI to generate a new helper in your app:
ember generate helper format-currency
Then edit helpers/format-currency.js
to contain the following:
import Ember from 'ember';
export function formatCurrency([value,]) {
const dollars = Math.floor(value / 100);
const cents = value % 100;
const sign = '$';
if (cents.toString().length === 1) { cents = '0' + cents; }
return `${sign}${dollars}.${cents}`;
export default Ember.Helper.helper(formatCurrency);
Now you can use {{format-currency model.someNumericValue}}
in templates.
A unit test for the new helper is automatically created in tests/unit/helpers/