Rich Text in cells

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Adding RichText to a cell

Each element of text you want to use distinct formatting on should be added separately, by adding to the cell's RichText collection property.

var cell = ws.Cells[1,1];
cell.IsRichText = true;     // Cell contains RichText rather than basic values
cell.Style.WrapText = true; // Required to honor new lines

var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");
var text = cell.RichText.Add("\nAnd this is my text");

Note that each time you Add() a new string, it will inherit the formatting from the previous section. As such, if you want to change the default formatting you will only need to change it on the first string added.

This behaviour can, however, cause some confusion when formatting your text. Using the example above, the following code will make all of the text in the cell Bold and Italic - this is not the desired behavior:

// Common Mistake
var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");
title.Bold = true;
title.Italic = true;

var text = cell.RichText.Add("\nAnd this is my text"); // Will be Bold and Italic too

The preferred approach is to add all your text sections first, then apply section-specific formatting afterwards, as shown here:

var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");
title.FontName = "Verdana";    // This will be applied to all subsequent sections as well

var text = cell.RichText.Add("\nAnd this is my text");

// Format JUST the title
title.Bold = true;
title.Italic = true;

Text formatting Properties

There are a number of properties that can be applied to sections of RichText.

var title = cell.RichText.Add("This is my title");

// Data Type:     bool
// Default Value: false
title.Bold = true;

// Data Type:     System.Drawing.Color
// Default Value: Color.Black
title.Color = Color.Red;
title.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
title.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF0000");

// Data Type:     string
// Default Value: "Calibri"
title.FontName = "Verdana";

// Data Type:     bool
// Default Value: false
title.Italic = true;

// Data Type:     bool
// Default Value: true
// If this property is set to false, any whitespace (including new lines) 
// is trimmed from the start and end of the Text
title.PreserveSpace = true;

// Data Type:     float
// Default Value: 11
// The font size is specified in Points
title.Size = 16;

// Data Type:     bool
// Default Value: false
// Strikethrough
title.Strike = false;

// Data Type:     string
// Default Value: Whatever was set when the text was added to the RichText collection
title.Text += " (updated)";

// Data Type:     bool
// Default Value: false
title.UnderLine = true;

// Data Type:     OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont
// Default Value: ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont.None
title.VerticalAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont.None;

Inserting RichText in a cell

EPPlus also supports the ability to insert text in a cell using the Insert() method. For example:

var file = new FileInfo(filePath);
using (var p = new ExcelPackage(file))
    var wb = p.Workbook;
    var ws = wb.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault() ?? wb.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");

    var cell = ws.Cells[1, 1];
    cell.IsRichText = true;
    cell.RichText.Clear(); // Remove any RichText that may be in the cell already
    var s1 = cell.RichText.Add("Section 1.");
    var s2 = cell.RichText.Add("Section 2.");

    var s3 = cell.RichText.Insert(1, "Section 3.");

    s3.Bold = true;

Note that the Insert() method does NOT insert at a character index, but at a Section index. Because the sections are zero-indexed, the above code will produce the following text in the cell:

Section 1.Section 3.Section 2.


Topic Id: 10776

Example Ids: 32305,32306,32353

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