and element restart
in your plan.Childspec = #{id => foo ,start => {bar, baz, [arg1, arg2]} ,plan => [restart] ,count => infinity}.
If your process did not start after crash, director will lock and retries to restart your process infinity
times !
If you are using infinity
for 'count'
, always use {restart, MiliSeconds}
in 'plan'
instead of restart
Childspec1 = #{id => foo ,start => {bar, baz} ,plan => [restart,restart,delete,wait,wait, {restart, 4000}] ,count => infinity}. Childspec2 = #{id => foo ,start => {bar, baz} ,plan => [restart,restart,stop,wait, {restart, 20000}, restart] ,count => infinity}. Childspec3 = #{id => foo ,start => {bar, baz} ,plan => [restart,restart,stop,wait, {restart, 20000}, restart] ,count => 0}. Childspec4 = #{id => foo ,start => {bar, baz} ,plan => [] ,count => infinity}.
The rest of delete
element in Childspec1
and the rest of stop
element in Childspec2
will never evaluate!
In Childspec3
you want to run your plan 0 times!
In ChildSpec4
you have not any plan to run infinity
, release_handler
calls supervisor:get_callback_module/1
for fetching its callback module.get_callback_module/1
uses supervisor internal state record for giving its callback module. Our director does not know about supervisor internal state record, then supervisor:get_callback_module/1
does not work with directors.supervisor:get_callback_module/1
works perfectly with directors :).1> foo:start_link(). {ok,<0.105.0>} 2> supervisor:get_callback_module(foo_sup). foo 3>
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~ $ git clone https://github.com/Pouriya-Jahanbakhsh/director.git
Note that OTP>=19 required (if you want to upgrade it using release_handler
Go to director
and use rebar
or rebar3
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~ $ cd director
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar compile ==> director_test (compile) Compiled src/director.erl Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar3 compile ===> Verifying dependencies... ===> Compiling director Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $
director needs a callback module (like OTP supervisor).
In callback module you should export function init/1
What init/1
should return? wait, i'll explain step by step.
-module(foo). -export([init/1]). init(_InitArg) -> {ok, []}.
Save above code in foo.erl
in director directory and go to the Erlang shell.
Use erl -pa ./ebin
if you used rebar
to compile it and use rebar3 shell
if you used rebar3
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [source-d5c06c6] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V8.3 (abort with ^G) 1> c(foo). {ok,foo} 2> Mod = foo. foo 3> InitArg = undefined. %% i don't need it yet. undefined 4> {ok, Pid} = director:start_link(Mod, InitArg). {ok,<0.112.0>} 5>
Now we have a supervisor without children.
Good news is that director comes with full OTP/supervisor API and it has its advanced features and specific approach too.
5> director:which_children(Pid). %% You can use supervisor:which_children(Pid) too :) [] 6> director:count_children(Pid). %% You can use supervisor:count_children(Pid) too :) [{specs,0},{active,0},{supervisors,0},{workers,0}] 7> director:get_pids(Pid). %% You can NOT use supervisor:get_pids(Pid) because it hasn't :D []
OK, I'll make simple gen_server
and give it to our director.
-module(bar). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start_link/0 ,init/1 ,terminate/2]). %% i am not going to use handle_call, handle_cast ,etc. start_link() -> gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, null, []). init(_GenServerInitArg) -> {ok, state}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok.
Save above code in bar.erl
and got back to the Shell.
8> c(bar). bar.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_server') bar.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function handle_call/3 (behaviour 'gen_server') bar.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function handle_cast/2 (behaviour 'gen_server') bar.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function handle_info/2 (behaviour 'gen_server') {ok,bar} %% You should define unique id for your process. 9> Id = bar_id. bar_id %% You should tell diector about start module and function for your process. %% Should be tuple {Module, Function, Args}. %% If your start function doesn't need arguments (like our example) %% just use {Module, function}. 10> start = {bar, start_link}. {bar,start_link} %% What is your plan for your process? %% I asked you some questions at the first of this README file. %% Plan should be an empty list or list with n elemenst. %% Every element can be one of %% 'restart' %% 'delete' %% 'stop' %% {'stop', Reason::term()} %% {'restart', Time::pos_integer()} %% for example my plan is: %% [restart, {restart, 5000}, delete] %% In first crash director will restart my process, %% after next crash director will restart it after 5000 mili-seconds %% and after third crash director will not restart it and will delete it 11> Plan = [restart, {restart, 5000}, delete]. [restart,{restart,5000},delete] %% What if i want to restart my process 500 times? %% Do i need a list with 500 'restart's? %% No, you just need a list with one element, I'll explain it later. 12> Childspec = #{id => Id ,start => Start ,plan => Plan}. #{id => bar_id, plan => [restart,{restart,5000},delete], start => {bar,start_link}} 13> director:start_child(Pid, Childspec). %% You can use supervisor:start_child(Pid, ChildSpec) too :) {ok,<0.160.0>} 14>
Lets check it
14> director:which_children(Pid). [{bar_id,<0.160.0>,worker,[bar]}] 15> director:count_children(Pid). [{specs,1},{active,1},{supervisors,0},{workers,1}] %% What was get_pids/1? %% It will returns all RUNNING ids with their pids. 16> director:get_pids(Pid). [{bar_id,<0.160.0>}] %% We can get Pid for specific RUNNING id too 17> {ok, BarPid1} = director:get_pid(Pid, bar_id). {ok,<0.160.0>} %% I want to kill that process 18> erlang:exit(BarPid1, kill). true %% Check all running pids again 19> director:get_pids(Pid). [{bar_id,<0.174.0>}] %% changed (restarted) %% I want to kill that process again %% and i will check children before spending time 20> {ok, BarPid2} = director:get_pid(Pid, bar_id), erlang:exit(BarPid2, kill). true 21> director:get_pids(Pid). [] 22> director:which_children(Pid). [{bar_id,restarting,worker,[bar]}] %% restarting 23> director:get_pid(Pid, bare_id). {error,not_found} %% after 5000 ms 24> director:get_pids(Pid). [{bar_id,<0.181.0>}] 25> %% Yoooohoooooo
I mentioned advanced features, what are they?
Lets see other acceptable keys for Childspec
-type childspec() :: #{'id' => id() ,'start' => start() ,'plan' => plan() ,'count' => count() ,'terminate_timeout' => terminate_timeout() ,'type' => type() ,'modules' => modules() ,'append' => append()}. %% 'id' is mandatory and can be any Erlang term -type id() :: term(). %% Sometimes 'start' is optional ! just wait and read carefully -type start() :: {module(), function()} % default Args is [] | mfa(). %% I explained 'restart', 'delete' and {'restart', MiliSeconds} %% 'stop': director will crash with reason {stop, [info about process crash]}. %% {'stop', Reason}: director exactly will crash with reason Reason. %% 'wait': director will not restart process, %% but you can restart it using director:restart_child/2 and you can use supervisor:restart_child/2 too. %% fun/2: director will execute fun with 2 arguments. %% First argument is crash reason for process and second argument is restart count for process. %% Fun should return terms like other plan elements. %% Default plan is: %% [fun %% (normal, _RestartCount) -> %% delete; %% (shutdown, _RestartCount) -> %% delete; %% ({shutdown, _Reason}, _RestartCount) -> %% delete; %% (_Reason, _RestartCount) -> %% restart %% end] -type plan() :: [plan_element()] | []. -type plan_element() :: 'restart' | {'restart', pos_integer()} | 'wait' | 'stop' | {'stop', Reason::term()} | fun((Reason::term() ,RestartCount::pos_integer()) -> 'restart' | {'restart', pos_integer()} | 'wait' | 'stop' | {'stop', Reason::term()}). %% How much time you want to run plan? %% Default value of 'count' is 1. %% Again, What if i want to restart my process 500 times? %% Do i need a list with 500 'restart's? %% You just need plan ['restart'] and 'count' 500 :) -type count() :: 'infinity' | non_neg_integer(). %% How much time director should wait for process termination? %% 0 means brutal kill and director will kill your process using erlang:exit(YourProcess, kill). %% For workers default value is 1000 mili-seconds and for supervisors default value is 'infinity'. -type terminate_timeout() :: 'infinity' | non_neg_integer(). %% default is 'worker' -type type() :: 'worker' | 'supervisor'. %% Default is first element of 'start' (process start module) -type modules() :: [module()] | 'dynamic'. %% :) %% Default value is 'false' %% I'll explan it -type append() :: boolean().
Edit foo
-module(foo). -export([start_link/0 ,init/1]). start_link() -> director:start_link({local, foo_sup}, ?MODULE, null). init(_InitArg) -> Childspec = #{id => bar_id ,plan => [wait] ,start => {bar,start_link} ,count => 1 ,terminate_timeout => 2000}, {ok, [Childspec]}.
Go to the Erlang shell again:
1> c(foo). {ok,foo} 2> foo:start_link(). {ok,<0.121.0>} 3> director:get_childspec(foo_sup, bar_id). {ok,#{append => false,count => 1,id => bar_id, modules => [bar], plan => [wait], start => {bar,start_link,[]}, terminate_timeout => 2000,type => worker}} 4> {ok, Pid} = director:get_pid(foo_sup, bar_id), erlang:exit(Pid, kill). true 5> director:which_children(foo_sup). [{bar_id,undefined,worker,[bar]}] %% undefined 6> director:count_children(foo_sup). [{specs,1},{active,0},{supervisors,0},{workers,1}] 7> director:get_plan(foo_sup, bar_id). {ok,[wait]} %% I can change process plan %% I killed process one time. %% If i kill it again, entire supervisor will crash with reason {reached_max_restart_plan... because 'count' is 1 %% But after changing plan, its counter will restart from 0. 8> director:change_plan(foo_sup, bar_id, [restart]). ok 9> director:get_childspec(foo_sup, bar_id). {ok,#{append => false,count => 1,id => bar_id, modules => [bar], plan => [restart], %% here start => {bar,start_link,[]}, terminate_timeout => 2000,type => worker}} 10> director:get_pids(foo_sup). [] 11> director:restart_child(foo_sup, bar_id). {ok,<0.111.0>} 12> {ok, Pid2} = director:get_pid(foo_sup, bar_id), erlang:exit(Pid2, kill). true 13> director:get_pid(foo_sup, bar_id). {ok,<0.113.0>} 14> %% Hold onFinally what the
key is?
actually always we have one DefaultChildspec
14> director:get_default_childspec(foo_sup). {ok,#{count => 0,modules => [],plan => [],terminate_timeout => 0}} 15>
is like normal childspecs except that it can't accept id
and append
If i change append
value to true
in my Childspec
My terminate_timeout
will be added to terminate_timeout
of DefaultChildspec
My count
will be added to count
of DefaultChildspec
My modules
will be added to modules
of DefaultChildspec
My plan
will be added to plan
of DefaultChildspec
And if i have start
key with value {ModX, FuncX, ArgsX}
in DefaultChildspec
and start
key with value {ModY, FunY, ArgsY}
in Childspec
, final value will be {ModY, FuncY, ArgsX ++ ArgsY}
And finally if i have start
key with value {Mod, Func, Args}
in DefaultChildspec
, start
key in Childspec
is optional for me.
You can return your own DefaultChildspec
as third element of tuple in init/1
Edit foo.erl
-module(foo). -behaviour(director). %% Yes, this is a behaviour -export([start_link/0 ,init/1]). start_link() -> director:start_link({local, foo_sup}, ?MODULE, null). init(_InitArg) -> Childspec = #{id => bar_id ,plan => [wait] ,start => {bar,start_link} ,count => 1 ,terminate_timeout => 2000}, DefaultChildspec = #{start => {bar, start_link} ,terminate_timeout => 1000 ,plan => [restart] ,count => 5}, {ok, [Childspec], DefaultChildspec}.
Restart the shell:
1> c(foo). {ok,foo} 2> foo:start_link(). {ok,<0.111.0>} 3> director:get_pids(foo_sup). [{bar_id,<0.112.0>}] 4> director:get_default_childspec(foo_sup). {ok,#{count => 5, plan => [restart], start => {bar,start_link,[]}, terminate_timeout => 1000}} 5> Childspec1 = #{id => 1, append => true}, %% Default 'plan' is [Fun], so 'plan' will be [restart] ++ [Fun] or [restart, Fun]. %% Default 'count' is 1, so 'count' will be 1 + 5 or 6. %% Args in above Childspec is [], so Args will be [] ++ [] or []. %% Default 'terminate_timeout' is 1000, so 'terminate_timeout' will be 1000 + 1000 or 2000. %% Default 'modules' is [bar], so 'modules' will be [bar] ++ [] or [bar]. 5> director:start_child(foo_sup, Childspec1). {ok,<0.116.0>} %% Test 6> director:get_childspec(foo_sup, 1). {ok,#{append => true, count => 6, id => 1, modules => [bar], plan => [restart,#Fun<director.default_plan_element_fun.2>], start => {bar,start_link,[]}, terminate_timeout => 2000, type => worker}} 7> director:get_pids(foo_sup). [{bar_id,<0.112.0>},{1,<0.116.0>}] %% I want to have 9 more children like that 8> [director:start_child(foo_sup ,#{id => Count, append => true}) || Count <- lists:seq(2, 10)]. [{ok,<0.126.0>}, {ok,<0.127.0>}, {ok,<0.128.0>}, {ok,<0.129.0>}, {ok,<0.130.0>}, {ok,<0.131.0>}, {ok,<0.132.0>}, {ok,<0.133.0>}, {ok,<0.134.0>}] 10> director:count_children(foo_sup). [{specs,11},{active,11},{supervisors,0},{workers,11}] 11>
You can change defaultChildspec
dynamically using change_default_childspec/2
And you can change Childspec
of children dynamically too and set their append
to true
But with changing them in different parts of code, you will make spaghetti code
Yessssss, diorector has its own debug and accepts standard sys:dbg_opt/0
director sends valid logs to sasl
and error_logger
in different states too.
1> Name = {local, dname}, Mod = foo, InitArg = undefined, DbgOpts = [trace], Opts = [{debug, DbgOpts}]. [{debug,[trace]}] 2> director:start_link(Name, Mod, InitArg, Opts). {ok,<0.106.0>} 3> 3> director:count_children(dname). *DBG* director "dname" got request "count_children" from "<0.102.0>" *DBG* director "dname" sent "[{specs,1}, {active,1}, {supervisors,0}, {workers,1}]" to "<0.102.0>" [{specs,1},{active,1},{supervisors,0},{workers,1}] 4> director:change_plan(dname, bar_id, [{restart, 5000}]). *DBG* director "dname" got request "{change_plan,bar_id,[{restart,5000}]}" from "<0.102.0>" *DBG* director "dname" sent "ok" to "<0.102.0>" ok 5> {ok, Pid} = director:get_pid(dname, bar_id). *DBG* director "dname" got request "{get_pid,bar_id}" from "<0.102.0>" *DBG* director "dname" sent "{ok,<0.107.0>}" to "<0.102.0>" {ok,<0.107.0>} %% Start SASL 6> application:start(sasl). ok ... %% Log about starting SASL 7> erlang:exit(Pid, kill). *DBG* director "dname" got exit signal for pid "<0.107.0>" with reason "killed" true =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 4-May-2017::12:37:41 === Supervisor: dname Context: child_terminated Reason: killed Offender: [{id,bar_id}, {pid,<0.107.0>}, {plan,[{restart,5000}]}, {count,1}, {count2,0}, {restart_count,0}, {mfargs,{bar,start_link,[]}}, {plan_element_index,1}, {plan_length,1}, {timer_reference,undefined}, {terminate_timeout,2000}, {extra,undefined}, {modules,[bar]}, {type,worker}, {append,false}] 8> %% After 5000 mili-seconds *DBG* director "dname" got timer event for child-id "bar_id" with timer reference "#Ref<>" =PROGRESS REPORT==== 4-May-2017::12:37:46 === supervisor: dname started: [{id,bar_id}, {pid,<0.122.0>}, {plan,[{restart,5000}]}, {count,1}, {count2,1}, {restart_count,1}, {mfargs,{bar,start_link,[]}}, {plan_element_index,1}, {plan_length,1}, {timer_reference,#Ref<>}, {terminate_timeout,2000}, {extra,undefined}, {modules,[bar]}, {type,worker}, {append,false}] 8>
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar doc
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ rebar3 edoc
Pouriya@Jahanbakhsh ~/director $ mkdir -p doc && erl -noshell\ -eval "edoc:file(\"./src/director.erl\", [{dir, \"./doc\"}]),init:stop()."
After running one of the above commands, HTML documentation should be in doc