file:compile ''
Hello World
message to the database under the message
key.// Write a message to the database
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
DatabaseReference myRef = database.getReference("message");
myRef.setValue("Hello, World!");
Realtime Database
.After you have set up Firebase to your IOS Project following the documentation for setting up firebase for IOS in other firebase related documentation you can get going with firebase.
If you haven't already added the database pod to your Podfile do so now by adding pod Firebase/Database
in order to get Database functionality for Firebase
Push 'Hello World' to the database but first you have to go and edit the Rules for your database in the Dashboard of your app in firebase and change it to
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
NOTE: Make sure you change this beofre you go into production because this means anyone can read and write into your database which is a major security flaw
import Firebase
write the following line and you should see a 'Test' node in the database, expand it and it should have a child of "Hello World"!!!!!!FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Test").setValue("Hello World")