Using Gson with JAX-RS (RESTful web services)

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JAX-RS provider to use Gson

This is a custom JAX-RS @Provider to use Gson as the JSON parser. The example also shows how to use custom Java 8 date/time converters.

public class JerseyServerGson  
        implements MessageBodyWriter<Object>, MessageBodyReader<Object>
  public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type,
                            Type genericType,
                            Annotation[] annotations,
                            MediaType mediaType)
    return true;

  public Object readFrom(Class<Object> type,
                         Type genericType,
                         Annotation[] annotations,
                         MediaType mediaType,
                         MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders,
                         InputStream entityStream)
          throws IOException, WebApplicationException
    try ( InputStreamReader input = 
                  new InputStreamReader(entityStream, "UTF-8") ) {
      Gson gson = getGson();
      return gson.fromJson(input, genericType);

  private Gson getGson() {
    return new GsonBuilder()
                                 new AdapterLocalDateTime().nullSafe())
                                 new AdapterLocalDate().nullSafe())

  public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> type,
                             Type genericType,
                             Annotation[] annotations,
                             MediaType mediaType)
    return true;

  public long getSize(Object o,
                      Class<?> type,
                      Type genericType,
                      Annotation[] annotations,
                      MediaType mediaType)
    // Deprecated and ignored in Jersey 2
    return -1;

  public void writeTo(Object o,
                      Class<?> type,
                      Type genericType,
                      Annotation[] annotations,
                      MediaType mediaType,
                      MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders,
                      OutputStream entityStream)
          throws IOException, WebApplicationException
    try ( OutputStreamWriter writer = 
                  new OutputStreamWriter(entityStream, "UTF-8") ) {
      getGson().toJson(o, genericType, writer);


Topic Id: 4893

Example Ids: 17276

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