Drawing to canvas isn't just limited to shapes and images. You can also draw text to the canvas.
To draw text on the canvas, get a reference to the canvas and then call the fillText
method on the context.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillText("My text", 0, 0);
The three required arguments that are passed into fillText
Additionally, there is a fourth optional argument, which you can use to specify the maximum width of your text in pixels. In the example below the value of 200
restricts the maximum width of the text to 200px:
ctx.fillText("My text", 0, 0, 200);
You can also draw text without a fill, and just an outline instead, using the strokeText
ctx.strokeText("My text", 0, 0);
Without any font formatting properties applied, the canvas renders text at 10px in sans-serif by default, making it hard to see the difference between the result of the fillText
and strokeText
methods. See the Formatting Text example for details on how to increase text size and apply other aesthetic changes to text.
The default font formatting provided by the fillText
and strokeText
methods isn't very aesthetically appealing. Fortunately the canvas API provides properties for formatting text.
Using the font
property you can specify:
For example:
ctx.font = "italic small-caps bold 40px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif";
ctx.fillText("My text", 20, 50);
Using the textAlign
property you can also change text alignment to either:
For example:
ctx.textAlign = "center";
Native Canvas API does not have a method to wrap text onto the next line when a desired maximum width is reached. This example wraps text into paragraphs.
function wrapText(text, x, y, maxWidth, fontSize, fontFace){
var firstY=y;
var words = text.split(' ');
var line = '';
var lineHeight=fontSize*1.286; // a good approx for 10-18px sizes
ctx.font=fontSize+" "+fontFace;
for(var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
var testLine = line + words[n] + ' ';
var metrics = ctx.measureText(testLine);
var testWidth = metrics.width;
if(testWidth > maxWidth) {
ctx.fillText(line, x, y);
line = words[n] + ' ';
y += lineHeight;
else {
line = testLine;
ctx.fillText(line, x, y);
This example draws text paragraphs into any portions of the canvas that have opaque pixels.
It works by finding the next block of opaque pixels that is large enough to contain the next specified word and filling that block with the specified word.
The opaque pixels can come from any source: Path drawing commands and /or images.
<!doctype html>
body{ background-color:white; padding:10px; }
#canvas{border:1px solid red;}
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;
var fontsize=12;
var fontface='verdana';
var lineHeight=parseInt(fontsize*1.286);
var text='It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way; in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.';
var words=text.split(' ');
var wordWidths=[];
ctx.font=fontsize+'px '+fontface;
for(var i=0;i<words.length;i++){ wordWidths.push(ctx.measureText(words[i]).width); }
var spaceWidth=ctx.measureText(' ').width;
var wordIndex=0
var data=[];
// Demo: draw Heart
// Note: the shape can be ANY opaque drawing -- even an image
// fill heart with text
var imgDataData=ctx.getImageData(0,0,cw,ch).data;
for(var i=0;i<imgDataData.length;i+=4){
// draw words sequentially into next available block of
// available opaque pixels
function placeWords(){
var sx=0;
var sy=0;
var y=0;
var wordIndex=0;
while(y<ch && wordIndex<words.length){
var startingIndex=wordIndex;
while(sx<cw && wordIndex<words.length){
var x=getRect(sx,sy,lineHeight);
var available=x-sx;
var spacer=spaceWidth; // spacer=0 to have no left margin
var w=spacer+wordWidths[wordIndex];
// find a rectangular block of opaque pixels
function getRect(sx,sy,height){
var x=sx;
var y=sy;
var ok=true;
}); // end $(function(){});
<h4>Note: the shape must be closed and alpha>=250 inside</h4>
<canvas id="canvas" width=400 height=400></canvas>
This example fills text with a specified image.
Important! The specified image must be fully loaded before calling this function or the drawing will fail. Use image.onload
to be sure the image is fully loaded.
function drawImageInsideText(canvas,x,y,img,text,font){
var c=canvas.cloneNode();
var ctx=c.getContext('2d');
This example shows how to render text along an arc. It includes how you can add functionality to the CanvasRenderingContext2D
by extending its prototype.
This examples is derived from the stackoverflow answer Circular Text.
The example adds 3 new text rendering functions to the 2D context prototype.
const FILL = 0; // const to indicate filltext render
const STROKE = 1;
var renderType = FILL; // used internal to set fill or stroke text
const multiplyCurrentTransform = true; // if true Use current transform when rendering
// if false use absolute coordinates which is a little quicker
// after render the currentTransform is restored to default transform
// measure circle text
// ctx: canvas context
// text: string of text to measure
// r: radius in pixels
// returns the size metrics of the text
// width: Pixel width of text
// angularWidth : angular width of text in radians
// pixelAngularSize : angular width of a pixel in radians
var measure = function(ctx, text, radius){
var textWidth = ctx.measureText(text).width; // get the width of all the text
return {
width : textWidth,
angularWidth : (1 / radius) * textWidth,
pixelAngularSize : 1 / radius
// displays text along a circle
// ctx: canvas context
// text: string of text to measure
// x,y: position of circle center
// r: radius of circle in pixels
// start: angle in radians to start.
// [end]: optional. If included text align is ignored and the text is
// scaled to fit between start and end;
// [forward]: optional default true. if true text direction is forwards, if false direction is backward
var circleText = function (ctx, text, x, y, radius, start, end, forward) {
var i, textWidth, pA, pAS, a, aw, wScale, aligned, dir, fontSize;
if(text.trim() === "" || ctx.globalAlpha === 0){ // dont render empty string or transparent
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(radius) || isNaN(start) || (end !== undefined && end !== null && isNaN(end))){ //
throw TypeError("circle text arguments requires a number for x,y, radius, start, and end.")
aligned = ctx.textAlign; // save the current textAlign so that it can be restored at end
dir = forward ? 1 : forward === false ? -1 : 1; // set dir if not true or false set forward as true
pAS = 1 / radius; // get the angular size of a pixel in radians
textWidth = ctx.measureText(text).width; // get the width of all the text
if (end !== undefined && end !== null) { // if end is supplied then fit text between start and end
pA = ((end - start) / textWidth) * dir;
wScale = (pA / pAS) * dir;
} else { // if no end is supplied correct start and end for alignment
// if forward is not given then swap top of circle text to read the correct direction
if(forward === null || forward === undefined){
if(((start % (Math.PI * 2)) + Math.PI * 2) % (Math.PI * 2) > Math.PI){
dir = -1;
pA = -pAS * dir ;
wScale = -1 * dir;
switch (aligned) {
case "center": // if centered move around half width
start -= (pA * textWidth )/2;
end = start + pA * textWidth;
case "right":// intentionally falls through to case "end"
case "end":
end = start;
start -= pA * textWidth;
case "left": // intentionally falls through to case "start"
case "start":
end = start + pA * textWidth;
ctx.textAlign = "center"; // align for rendering
a = start; // set the start angle
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { // for each character
aw = ctx.measureText(text[i]).width * pA; // get the angular width of the text
var xDx = Math.cos(a + aw / 2); // get the yAxies vector from the center x,y out
var xDy = Math.sin(a + aw / 2);
if(multiplyCurrentTransform){ // transform multiplying current transform
if (xDy < 0) { // is the text upside down. If it is flip it
ctx.transform(-xDy * wScale, xDx * wScale, -xDx, -xDy, xDx * radius + x, xDy * radius + y);
} else {
ctx.transform(-xDy * wScale, xDx * wScale, xDx, xDy, xDx * radius + x, xDy * radius + y);
if (xDy < 0) { // is the text upside down. If it is flip it
ctx.setTransform(-xDy * wScale, xDx * wScale, -xDx, -xDy, xDx * radius + x, xDy * radius + y);
} else {
ctx.setTransform(-xDy * wScale, xDx * wScale, xDx, xDy, xDx * radius + x, xDy * radius + y);
if(renderType === FILL){
ctx.fillText(text[i], 0, 0); // render the character
ctx.strokeText(text[i], 0, 0); // render the character
if(multiplyCurrentTransform){ // restore current transform
a += aw; // step to the next angle
// all done clean up.
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // restore the transform
ctx.textAlign = aligned; // restore the text alignment
// define fill text
var fillCircleText = function(text, x, y, radius, start, end, forward){
renderType = FILL;
circleText(this, text, x, y, radius, start, end, forward);
// define stroke text
var strokeCircleText = function(text, x, y, radius, start, end, forward){
renderType = STROKE;
circleText(this, text, x, y, radius, start, end, forward);
// define measure text
var measureCircleTextExt = function(text,radius){
return measure(this, text, radius);
// set the prototypes
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillCircleText = fillCircleText;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeCircleText = strokeCircleText;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureCircleText = measureCircleTextExt;
This example adds 3 functions to the CanvasRenderingContext2D prototype
. fillCircleText
, strokeCircleText
, and measureCircleText
is ignored and the text is scaled to fit between start and end.Both functions use the textBaseline to position the text vertically around the radius. For the best results use ctx.TextBaseline
Functions will throw a TypeError
is any of the numerical arguments as NaN.
If the text
argument trims to an empty string or ctx.globalAlpha = 0
the function just drops through and does nothing.
- **text:** String of text to measure.
- **radius:** radius of circle in pixels.
Returns a Object containing various size metrics for rendering circular text
- **width:** Pixel width of text as it would normaly be rendered
- **angularWidth:** angular width of text in radians.
- **pixelAngularSize:** angular width of a pixel in radians.
const rad = canvas.height * 0.4;
const text = "Hello circle TEXT!";
const fontSize = 40;
const centX = canvas.width / 2;
const centY = canvas.height / 2;
ctx.font = fontSize + "px verdana";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.strokeStyle = "#666";
// Text under stretched from Math.PI to 0 (180 - 0 deg)
ctx.fillCircleText(text, centX, centY, rad, Math.PI, 0);
// text over top centered at Math.PI * 1.5 ( 270 deg)
ctx.fillCircleText(text, centX, centY, rad, Math.PI * 1.5);
// text under top centered at Math.PI * 1.5 ( 270 deg)
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillCircleText(text, centX, centY, rad, Math.PI * 1.5);
// text over top centered at Math.PI * 1.5 ( 270 deg)
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.fillCircleText(text, centX, centY, rad, Math.PI * 1.5);
// Use measureCircleText to get angular size
var circleTextMetric = ctx.measureCircleText("Text to measure", rad);
console.log(circleTextMetric.width); // width of text if rendered normally
console.log(circleTextMetric.angularWidth); // angular width of text
console.log(circleTextMetric.pixelAngularSize); // angular size of a pixel
// Use measure text to draw a arc around the text
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
var width = ctx.measureCircleText(text, rad).angularWidth;
ctx.fillCircleText(text, centX, centY, rad, Math.PI * 1.5);
// render the arc around the text
ctx.strokeStyle= "red";
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.arc(centX, centY, rad + fontSize / 2,Math.PI * 1.5 - width/2,Math.PI*1.5 + width/2);
ctx.arc(centX, centY, rad - fontSize / 2,Math.PI * 1.5 + width/2,Math.PI*1.5 - width/2,true);
NOTE: The text rendered is only an approximation of circular text. For example if two l's are rendered the two lines will not be parallel, but if you render a "H" the two edges will be parallel. This is because each character is rendered as close as possible to the required direction, rather than each pixel being correctly transformed to create circular text.
const multiplyCurrentTransform = true;
defined in this example is used to set the transformation method used. Iffalse
the transformation for circular text rendering is absolute and does not depend on the current transformation state. The text will not be effected by any previous scale, rotate, or translate transforms. This will increase the performance of the render function, after the function is called the transform will be set to the defaultsetTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0)
IfmultiplyCurrentTransform = true
(set as default in this example) the text will use the current transform so that the text can be scaled translated, skewed, rotated, etc but modifying the current transform befor calling thefillCircleText
functions. Depending on the current state of the 2D context this may be somewhat slower thenmultiplyCurrentTransform = false
Renders text on quadratic and cubic curves.
is the text to renderoffset
distance from start of curve to text >= 0x1,y1
- x3,y3
points of quadratic curve orx1,y1
- x4,y4
points of cubic curve ortextOnCurve("Hello world!",50,100,100,200,200,300,100); // draws text on quadratic curve
// 50 pixels from start of curve
textOnCurve("Hello world!",50,100,100,200,200,300,100,400,200);
// draws text on cubic curve
// 50 pixels from start of curve
The Function and curver helper function
// pass 8 values for cubic bezier
// pass 6 values for quadratic
// Renders text from start of curve
var textOnCurve = function(text,offset,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4){
ctx.textAlign = "center";
var widths = [];
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i ++){
widths[widths.length] = ctx.measureText(text[i]).width;
var ch = curveHelper(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4);
var pos = offset;
var cpos = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i ++){
pos += widths[i] / 2;
cpos = ch.forward(pos);
ctx.setTransform(ch.vect.x, ch.vect.y, -ch.vect.y, ch.vect.x, ch.vec.x, ch.vec.y);
pos += widths[i] / 2;
The curve helper function is designed to increase the performance of finding points on the bezier.
// helper function locates points on bezier curves.
function curveHelper(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4){
var tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, tx3, ty3, tx4, ty4;
var a,b,c,u;
var vec,currentPos,vec1,vect;
vec = {x:0,y:0};
vec1 = {x:0,y:0};
vect = {x:0,y:0};
quad = false;
currentPos = 0;
currentDist = 0;
if(x4 === undefined || x4 === null){
quad = true;
x4 = x3;
y4 = y3;
var estLen = Math.sqrt((x4 - x1) * (x4 - x1) + (y4 - y1) * (y4 - y1));
var onePix = 1 / estLen;
function posAtC(c){
tx1 = x1; ty1 = y1;
tx2 = x2; ty2 = y2;
tx3 = x3; ty3 = y3;
tx1 += (tx2 - tx1) * c;
ty1 += (ty2 - ty1) * c;
tx2 += (tx3 - tx2) * c;
ty2 += (ty3 - ty2) * c;
tx3 += (x4 - tx3) * c;
ty3 += (y4 - ty3) * c;
tx1 += (tx2 - tx1) * c;
ty1 += (ty2 - ty1) * c;
tx2 += (tx3 - tx2) * c;
ty2 += (ty3 - ty2) * c;
vec.x = tx1 + (tx2 - tx1) * c;
vec.y = ty1 + (ty2 - ty1) * c;
return vec;
function posAtQ(c){
tx1 = x1; ty1 = y1;
tx2 = x2; ty2 = y2;
tx1 += (tx2 - tx1) * c;
ty1 += (ty2 - ty1) * c;
tx2 += (x3 - tx2) * c;
ty2 += (y3 - ty2) * c;
vec.x = tx1 + (tx2 - tx1) * c;
vec.y = ty1 + (ty2 - ty1) * c;
return vec;
function forward(dist){
var step;
while(currentDist < dist){
vec1.x = vec.x;
vec1.y = vec.y;
currentPos += onePix;
currentDist += step = Math.sqrt((vec.x - vec1.x) * (vec.x - vec1.x) + (vec.y - vec1.y) * (vec.y - vec1.y));
currentPos -= ((currentDist - dist) / step) * onePix
currentDist -= step;
currentDist += Math.sqrt((vec.x - vec1.x) * (vec.x - vec1.x) + (vec.y - vec1.y) * (vec.y - vec1.y));
return currentPos;
function tangentQ(pos){
a = (1-pos) * 2;
b = pos * 2;
vect.x = a * (x2 - x1) + b * (x3 - x2);
vect.y = a * (y2 - y1) + b * (y3 - y2);
u = Math.sqrt(vect.x * vect.x + vect.y * vect.y);
vect.x /= u;
vect.y /= u;
function tangentC(pos){
a = (1-pos)
b = 6 * a * pos;
a *= 3 * a;
c = 3 * pos * pos;
vect.x = -x1 * a + x2 * (a - b) + x3 * (b - c) + x4 * c;
vect.y = -y1 * a + y2 * (a - b) + y3 * (b - c) + y4 * c;
u = Math.sqrt(vect.x * vect.x + vect.y * vect.y);
vect.x /= u;
vect.y /= u;
var helper = {
vec : vec,
vect : vect,
forward : forward,
helper.posAt = posAtQ;
helper.tangent = tangentQ;
helper.posAt = posAtC;
helper.tangent = tangentC;
return helper
This example renders justified text. It adds extra functionality to the CanvasRenderingContext2D
by extending its prototype or as a global object justifiedText
(optional see Note A).
Code to render this image is in the usage examples at the bottom.
The function as a anonymous immediately invoked function.
const FILL = 0; // const to indicate filltext render
const STROKE = 1;
const MEASURE = 2;
var renderType = FILL; // used internal to set fill or stroke text
var maxSpaceSize = 3; // Multiplier for max space size. If greater then no justificatoin applied
var minSpaceSize = 0.5; // Multiplier for minimum space size
var renderTextJustified = function(ctx,text,x,y,width){
var words, wordsWidth, count, spaces, spaceWidth, adjSpace, renderer, i, textAlign, useSize, totalWidth;
textAlign = ctx.textAlign; // get current align settings
ctx.textAlign = "left";
wordsWidth = 0;
words = text.split(" ").map(word => {
var w = ctx.measureText(word).width;
wordsWidth += w;
return {
width : w,
word : word,
// count = num words, spaces = number spaces, spaceWidth normal space size
// adjSpace new space size >= min size. useSize Resulting space size used to render
count = words.length;
spaces = count - 1;
spaceWidth = ctx.measureText(" ").width;
adjSpace = Math.max(spaceWidth * minSpaceSize, (width - wordsWidth) / spaces);
useSize = adjSpace > spaceWidth * maxSpaceSize ? spaceWidth : adjSpace;
totalWidth = wordsWidth + useSize * spaces
if(renderType === MEASURE){ // if measuring return size
ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
return totalWidth;
renderer = renderType === FILL ? ctx.fillText.bind(ctx) : ctx.strokeText.bind(ctx); // fill or stroke
case "right":
x -= totalWidth;
case "end":
x += width - totalWidth;
case "center": // intentional fall through to default
x -= totalWidth / 2;
if(useSize === spaceWidth){ // if space size unchanged
} else {
for(i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
x += words[i].width;
x += useSize;
ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
// Parse vet and set settings object.
var justifiedTextSettings = function(settings){
var min,max;
var vetNumber = (num, defaultNum) => {
num = num !== null && num !== null && !isNaN(num) ? num : defaultNum;
if(num < 0){
num = defaultNum;
return num;
if(settings === undefined || settings === null){
max = vetNumber(settings.maxSpaceSize, maxSpaceSize);
min = vetNumber(settings.minSpaceSize, minSpaceSize);
if(min > max){
minSpaceSize = min;
maxSpaceSize = max;
// define fill text
var fillJustifyText = function(text, x, y, width, settings){
renderType = FILL;
renderTextJustified(this, text, x, y, width);
// define stroke text
var strokeJustifyText = function(text, x, y, width, settings){
renderType = STROKE;
renderTextJustified(this, text, x, y, width);
// define measure text
var measureJustifiedText = function(text, width, settings){
renderType = MEASURE;
return renderTextJustified(this, text, 0, 0, width);
// code point A
// set the prototypes
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillJustifyText = fillJustifyText;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeJustifyText = strokeJustifyText;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.measureJustifiedText = measureJustifiedText;
// code point B
// optional code if you do not wish to extend the CanvasRenderingContext2D prototype
/* Uncomment from here to the closing comment
window.justifiedText = {
fill : function(ctx, text, x, y, width, settings){
renderType = FILL;
renderTextJustified(ctx, text, x, y, width);
stroke : function(ctx, text, x, y, width, settings){
renderType = STROKE;
renderTextJustified(ctx, text, x, y, width);
measure : function(ctx, text, width, settings){
renderType = MEASURE;
return renderTextJustified(ctx, text, 0, 0, width);
to here*/
Note A: If you do not wish to extend the
prototype Remove from the example all code between// code point A
and// code point B
and uncomment the code marked/* Uncomment from here to the closing comment
Three functions are added to the CanvasRenderingContext2D
and are available to all 2D context objects created.
Fill and stroke text function fill or stroke text and use the same arguments. measureJustifiedText
will return the actual width that text would be rendered at. This may be equal, less, or greater than the argument width
depending on current settings.
Note: Arguments inside
are optional.
text: String containing the text to be rendered.
x, y: Coordinates to render the text at.
width: Width of the justified text. Text will increase/decrease spaces between words to fit the width. If the space between words is greater than maxSpaceSize
(default = 6) times normal spacing will be used and the text will not fill the required width. If the spacing is less than minSpaceSize
(default = 0.5) time normal spacing then the min space size is used and the text will overrun the width requested
settings: Optional. Object containing min and max space sizes.
The settings
argument is optional and if not included text rendering will use the last setting defined or the default (shown below).
Both min and max are the min and max sizes for the [space] character separating words. The default maxSpaceSize = 6
means that when the space between characters is > 63 * ctx.measureText(" ").width text will not be justified. If text to be justified has spaces less than minSpaceSize = 0.5
(default value 0.5) * ctx.measureText(" ").width
the spacing will be set to minSpaceSize * ctx.measureText(" ").width
and the resulting text will overrun the justifying width.
The following rules are applied, min and max must be numbers. If not then the associate values will not be changed. If minSpaceSize
is larger than maxSpaceSize
both input setting are invalid and min max will not be changed.
Example setting object with defaults
settings = {
maxSpaceSize : 6; // Multiplier for max space size.
minSpaceSize : 0.5; // Multiplier for minimum space size
NOTE: These text functions introduce a subtle behaviour change for the
property of the 2D context. 'Left', 'right', 'center' and 'start' behave as is expected but 'end' will not align from the right of the function argumentx
but rather from the right ofx + width
Note: settings (min and max space size) are global to all 2D context objects.
var i = 0;
text[i++] = "This text is aligned from the left of the canvas.";
text[i++] = "This text is near the max spacing size";
text[i++] = "This text is way too short.";
text[i++] = "This text is too long for the space provied and will overflow#";
text[i++] = "This text is aligned using 'end' and starts at x + width";
text[i++] = "This text is near the max spacing size";
text[i++] = "This text is way too short.";
text[i++] = "#This text is too long for the space provied and will overflow";
text[i++] = "This is aligned with 'center' and is placed from the center";
text[i++] = "This text is near the max spacing size";
text[i++] = "This text is way too short.";
text[i++] = "This text is just too long for the space provied and will overflow";
// ctx is the 2d context
// canvas is the canvas
ctx.font = "25px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center"
var left = 20;
var center = canvas.width / 2;
var width = canvas.width-left*2;
var y = 40;
var size = 16;
var i = 0;
ctx.fillText("Justified text examples.",center,y);
y+= 40;
ctx.font = "14px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "left"
var ww = ctx.measureJustifiedText(text[0], width);
var setting = {
maxSpaceSize : 6,
minSpaceSize : 0.5
ctx.strokeStyle = "red"
ctx.moveTo(left,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(left, y + size * 15);
ctx.moveTo(canvas.width - left,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width - left, y + size * 15);
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText("< 'left' aligned",left,y - size)
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y, width, setting); // settings is remembered
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
y += 2.3*size;
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText("< 'end' aligned from x plus the width -------------------->",left,y - size)
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.textAlign = "end";
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], left, y+=size, width);
y += 40;
ctx.strokeStyle = "red"
ctx.moveTo(center,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(center, y + size * 5);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText("'center' aligned",center,y - size)
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y+=size, width);
ctx.fillJustifyText(text[i++], center, y+=size, width);
Renders text as justified paragraphs. REQUIRES the example Justified text
Top paragraph has setting.compact = true and bottom false and line spacing is 1.2 rather than the default 1.5. Rendered by code usage example bottom of this example.
// Requires justified text extensions
// code point A
if(typeof CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillJustifyText !== "function"){
throw new ReferenceError("Justified Paragraph extension missing requiered CanvasRenderingContext2D justified text extension");
var maxSpaceSize = 3; // Multiplier for max space size. If greater then no justificatoin applied
var minSpaceSize = 0.5; // Multiplier for minimum space size
var compact = true; // if true then try and fit as many words as possible. If false then try to get the spacing as close as possible to normal
var lineSpacing = 1.5; // space between lines
const noJustifySetting = { // This setting forces justified text off. Used to render last line of paragraph.
minSpaceSize : 1,
maxSpaceSize : 1,
// Parse vet and set settings object.
var justifiedTextSettings = function(settings){
var min, max;
var vetNumber = (num, defaultNum) => {
num = num !== null && num !== null && !isNaN(num) ? num : defaultNum;
return num < 0 ? defaultNum : num;
if(settings === undefined || settings === null){ return; }
compact = settings.compact === true ? true : settings.compact === false ? false : compact;
max = vetNumber(settings.maxSpaceSize, maxSpaceSize);
min = vetNumber(settings.minSpaceSize, minSpaceSize);
lineSpacing = vetNumber(settings.lineSpacing, lineSpacing);
if(min > max){ return; }
minSpaceSize = min;
maxSpaceSize = max;
var getFontSize = function(font){ // get the font size.
var numFind = /[0-9]+/;
var number = numFind.exec(font)[0];
throw new ReferenceError("justifiedPar Cant find font size");
return Number(number);
function justifiedPar(ctx, text, x, y, width, settings, stroke){
var spaceWidth, minS, maxS, words, count, lines, lineWidth, lastLineWidth, lastSize, i, renderer, fontSize, adjSpace, spaces, word, lineWords, lineFound;
spaceWidth = ctx.measureText(" ").width;
minS = spaceWidth * minSpaceSize;
maxS = spaceWidth * maxSpaceSize;
words = text.split(" ").map(word => { // measure all words.
var w = ctx.measureText(word).width;
return {
width : w,
word : word,
// count = num words, spaces = number spaces, spaceWidth normal space size
// adjSpace new space size >= min size. useSize Resulting space size used to render
count = 0;
lines = [];
// create lines by shifting words from the words array until the spacing is optimal. If compact
// true then will true and fit as many words as possible. Else it will try and get the spacing as
// close as possible to the normal spacing
while(words.length > 0){
lastLineWidth = 0;
lastSize = -1;
lineFound = false;
// each line must have at least one word.
word = words.shift();
lineWidth = word.width;
lineWords = [word.word];
count = 0;
while(lineWidth < width && words.length > 0){ // Add words to line
word = words.shift();
lineWidth += word.width;
count += 1;
spaces = count - 1;
adjSpace = (width - lineWidth) / spaces;
if(minS > adjSpace){ // if spacing less than min remove last word and finish line
lineFound = true;
if(!compact){ // if compact mode
if(adjSpace < spaceWidth){ // if less than normal space width
if(lastSize === -1){
lastSize = adjSpace;
// check if with last word on if its closer to space width
if(Math.abs(spaceWidth - adjSpace) < Math.abs(spaceWidth - lastSize)){
lineFound = true; // yes keep it
words.unshift(word); // no better fit if last word removes
lineFound = true;
lastSize = adjSpace; // remember spacing
lines.push(lineWords.join(" ")); // and the line
// lines have been worked out get font size, render, and render all the lines. last
// line may need to be rendered as normal so it is outside the loop.
fontSize = getFontSize(ctx.font);
renderer = stroke === true ? ctx.strokeJustifyText.bind(ctx) : ctx.fillJustifyText.bind(ctx);
for(i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i ++){
renderer(lines[i], x, y, width, settings);
y += lineSpacing * fontSize;
if(lines.length > 0){ // last line if left or start aligned for no justify
if(ctx.textAlign === "left" || ctx.textAlign === "start"){
renderer(lines[lines.length - 1], x, y, width, noJustifySetting);
ctx.measureJustifiedText("", width, settings);
renderer(lines[lines.length - 1], x, y, width);
// return details about the paragraph.
y += lineSpacing * fontSize;
return {
nextLine : y,
fontSize : fontSize,
lineHeight : lineSpacing * fontSize,
// define fill
var fillParagraphText = function(text, x, y, width, settings){
settings = {
minSpaceSize : minSpaceSize,
maxSpaceSize : maxSpaceSize,
return justifiedPar(this, text, x, y, width, settings);
// define stroke
var strokeParagraphText = function(text, x, y, width, settings){
settings = {
minSpaceSize : minSpaceSize,
maxSpaceSize : maxSpaceSize,
return justifiedPar(this, text, x, y, width, settings,true);
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillParaText = fillParagraphText;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeParaText = strokeParagraphText;
NOTE this extends the
prototype. If you do not wish this to happen use the example Justified text to work out how to change this example to be part of the global namespace.
NOTE Will throw a ReferenceError if this example can not find the function
ctx.fillParaText(text, x, y, width, [settings]);
ctx.strokeParaText(text, x, y, width, [settings]);
See Justified text for details on arguments. Arguments between [
and ]
are optional.
The settings
argument has two additional properties.
. If true tries to pack as many words as possible per line. If false the tries to get the word spacing as close as possible to normal spacing.1.5
. Space per line default 1.5
the distance from on line to the next in terms of font sizeProperties missing from the settings object will default to their default values or to the last valid values. The properties will only be changed if the new values are valid. For compact
valid values are only booleans true
or false
Truthy values are not considered valid.
The two functions return an object containing information to help you place the next paragraph. The object contains the following properties.
14px arial
)This example uses a simple algorithm that works one line at to time to find the best fit for a paragraph. This does not mean that it the best fit (rather the algorithm's best) You may wish to improve the algorithm by creating a multi pass line algorithm over the generated lines. Moving words from the end of one line to the start of the next, or from the start back to the end. The best look is achieved when the spacing over the entire paragraph has the smallest variation and is the closest to the normal text spacing.
As this example is dependent on the Justified text example the code is very similar. You may wish to move the two into one function. Replace the function justifiedTextSettings
in the other example with the one used in this example. Then copy all the rest of the code from this example into the anonymous function body of the Justified text example. You will no longer need to test for dependencies found at // Code point A
It can be removed.
ctx.font = "25px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center"
var left = 10;
var center = canvas.width / 2;
var width = canvas.width-left*2;
var y = 20;
var size = 16;
var i = 0;
ctx.fillText("Justified paragraph examples.",center,y);
y+= 30;
ctx.font = "14px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "left"
// set para settings
var setting = {
maxSpaceSize : 6,
minSpaceSize : 0.5,
lineSpacing : 1.2,
compact : true,
// Show the left and right bounds.
ctx.strokeStyle = "red"
ctx.moveTo(left,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(left, y + size * 15);
ctx.moveTo(canvas.width - left,y - size * 2);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width - left, y + size * 15);
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
// Draw paragraph
var line = ctx.fillParaText(para, left, y, width, setting); // settings is remembered
// Next paragraph
y = line.nextLine + line.lineHeight;
setting.compact = false;
ctx.fillParaText(para, left, y, width, setting);
Note: For text aligned
the last line of tha paragraph will always have normal spacing. For all other alignments the last line is treated like all others.
Note: You can inset the start of the paragraph with spaces. Though this may not be consistent from paragraph to paragraph. It is always a good thing to learn what a function is doing and modifying it. An exercise would be to add a setting to the settings that indents the first line by a fixed amount. Hint the while loop will need to temporarily make the first word appear larger (+ indent)
words[0].width += ?
and then when rendering lines indent the first line.