Starting a local JIRA test instance

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Starting a local JIRA test instance

After installing the SDK, atlas-run-standalone starts a JIRA instance with the latest released version.

atlas-run-standalone --product jira

The instance is available http://localhost:2990/jira

The created instance is for testing only. It provides an other directory structure as production installations. It has a license for 10 users.

Customize the local JIRA instance

It is possible to customize the JIRA version, the port or the context path.

atlas-run-standalone --product jira --version 6.0 --http-port 1337 --context-path issues

The JIRA 6 instance is available under http://localhost:1337/issues

There are more parameters that can be set for running atlas-run-standalone. For full list of parameters, visit atlas-run-standalone documentation


Parameter (short)Description
--version (-v)Version of the application to run (default: latest version).
--http-port (-p)HTTP port for the servlet container. You may need to change this if you already have a process listed for the default port, such as when you want to bring up two instances of JIRA. (default: 2990)
--context-pathThe application context path. You will need to include the leading forward slash. For example, if your application is running at http://localhost:2990/jira then you should enter /jira. To run your application in the root web application context (eg. http://localhost:2990), then you should enter ROOT. (default: /jira)
--serverHost name of the application server. (default: localhost)
--productThe application to launch. In this case use 'jira'. You may also start instances of other Atlassian products (e.g. Confluence)


Topic Id: 9049

Example Ids: 28100,28101

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