Cross-Version Compatibility

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It is sometimes very difficult to get new syntax to play well with multiple versions. As Julia is still undergoing active development, it is often useful simply to drop support for older versions and instead target just the newer ones.

Version numbers

Julia has a built-in implementation of semantic versioning exposed through the VersionNumber type.

To construct a VersionNumber as a literal, the @v_str string macro can be used:

julia> vers = v"1.2.0"

Alternatively, one can call the VersionNumber constructor; note that the constructor accepts up to five arguments, but all except the first are optional.

julia> vers2 = VersionNumber(1, 1)

Version numbers can be compared using comparison operators, and thus can be sorted:

julia> vers2 < vers

julia> v"1" < v"0"

julia> sort([v"1.0.0", v"1.0.0-dev.100", v"1.0.1"])
3-element Array{VersionNumber,1}:

Version numbers are used in several places across Julia. For instance, the VERSION constant is a VersionNumber:

julia> VERSION

This is commonly used for conditional code evaluation, depending on the Julia version. For example, to run different code on v0.4 and v0.5, one can do

if VERSION < v"0.5"
    println("v0.5 prerelease, v0.4 or older")
    println("v0.5 or newer")

Each installed package is also associated with a current version number:

julia> Pkg.installed("StatsBase")

Using Compat.jl

The Compat.jl package enables using some new Julia features and syntax with older versions of Julia. Its features are documented on its README, but a summary of useful applications is given below.


Unified String type

In Julia v0.4, there were many different types of strings. This system was considered overly complex and confusing, so in Julia v0.5, there remains only the String type. Compat allows using the String type and constructor on version 0.4, under the name Compat.String. For example, this v0.5 code

buf = IOBuffer()
println(buf, "Hello World!")
String(buf)  # "Hello World!\n"

can be directly translated to this code, which works on both v0.5 and v0.4:

using Compat
buf = IOBuffer()
println(buf, "Hello World!")
Compat.String(buf)  # "Hello World!\n"

Note that there are some caveats.

  • On v0.4, Compat.String is typealiased to ByteString, which is Union{ASCIIString, UTF8String}. Thus, types with String fields will not be type stable. In these situations, Compat.UTF8String is advised, as it will mean String on v0.5, and UTF8String on v0.4, both of which are concrete types.
  • One has to be careful to use Compat.String or import Compat: String, because String itself has a meaning on v0.4: it is a deprecated alias for AbstractString. A sign that String was accidentally used instead of Compat.String is if at any point, the following warnings appear:
WARNING: Base.String is deprecated, use AbstractString instead.
  likely near no file:0
WARNING: Base.String is deprecated, use AbstractString instead.
  likely near no file:0

Compact broadcasting syntax

Julia v0.5 introduces syntactic sugar for broadcast. The syntax

f.(x, y)

is lowered to broadcast(f, x, y). Examples of using this syntax include sin.([1, 2, 3]) to take the sine of multiple numbers at once.

On v0.5, the syntax can be used directly:

julia> sin.([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

However, if we try the same on v0.4, we get an error:

julia> sin.([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
ERROR: TypeError: getfield: expected Symbol, got Array{Float64,1}

Luckily, Compat makes this new syntax usable from v0.4 also. Once again, we add using Compat. This time, we surround the expression with the @compat macro:

julia> using Compat

julia> @compat sin.([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
3-element Array{Float64,1}:


  • using Compat
  • Compat.String
  • Compat.UTF8String
  • @compat f.(x, y)


Topic Id: 5832

Example Ids: 20543,20544

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