Generate Junit test cases skeleton for existing code

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Generate Junit test cases skeleton for existing code in Eclipse

Here are the steps to generate test skeleton for existing code:

  1. Open Eclipse, and choose the project you want to create test cases for
  2. In the Package Explorer, select the java class you want to generate the Junit test for
  3. Go to File -> New -> Junit Test Cases
  4. Change the Source folder to point to the test using Browse (Note: It is better to separate the source code from the testing code)
  5. Change the Package based on the destination package you want
  6. In the Class under test, make sure you enter the class you want to generate the test cases for.
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the methods you want to test for
  9. Click Finish

Now, you will have a Junit class generated for testing the source class you have


Topic Id: 8648

Example Ids: 26988

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