Kubernetes in production

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Deploy zookeeper cluster in production using kubernetes and ceph

Dockerize zookeeper-3.4.6

Create a Dockerfile:

# Image: img.reg.3g:15000/zookeeper:3.4.6

FROM img.reg.3g:15000/jdk:1.7.0_67 

MAINTAINER [email protected]

USER root


ADD Dockerfile /

ADD zookeeper/ /opt/

COPY zoo.cfg /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg

RUN mkdir -p /opt/zookeeper/{data,log}

WORKDIR /opt/zookeeper

VOLUME ["/opt/zookeeper/conf", "/opt/zookeeper/data", "/opt/zookeeper/log"]

COPY config-and-run.sh /opt/zookeeper/bin/

EXPOSE 2181 2888 3888

CMD ["/opt/zookeeper/bin/config-and-run.sh"]

See more details

Deploy zookeeper replica controller into kubernetes cluster

You can use this command to deploy the replica-controller of zookeeper:

kubectl create -f zookeeper-rc-1.json
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "kind": "ReplicationController",
  "metadata": {
    "labels": {
      "component": "zookeeper"
    "name": "zookeeper-1"
  "spec": {
    "replicas": 1,
    "selector": {
      "server-id": "1",
      "role": "zookeeper-1"
    "template": {
      "metadata": {
        "labels": {
          "server-id": "1",
          "role": "zookeeper-1"
        "name": "zookeeper-1"
      "spec": {
        "containers": [
            "env": [
                "value": "1",
                "name": "SERVER_ID"
                "value": "5",
                "name": "MAX_SERVERS"
            "image": "img.reg.3g:15000/fabric8/zookeeper:latest",
            "name": "zookeeper-1",
            "ports": [
                "containerPort": 2181,
                "name": "client",
                "protocol": "TCP"
                "containerPort": 2888,
                "name": "followers",
                "protocol": "TCP"
                "containerPort": 3888,
                "name": "election",
                "protocol": "TCP"
            "volumeMounts": [
                "mountPath": "/opt/zookeeper/data",
                "name": "zookeeper-1"
        "restartPolicy": "Always",
        "volumes": [
            "name": "zookeeper-1",
            "rbd": {
              "monitors": [
              "pool": "rbd",
              "image": "log-zookeeper-1",
              "user": "admin",
              "secretRef": {
                "name": "ceph-secret-default"
              "fsType": "ext4",
              "readOnly": false
Deploy zookeeper service into kubernetes cluster

You can use this command to deploy the service of zookeeper:

kubectl create -f zookeeper-svc-1.json
  "kind": "Service",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "zookeeper-1",
    "labels": {
      "name": "zookeeper-1"
  "spec": {
    "ports": [
        "name": "client",
        "port": 2181,
        "targetPort": 2181
        "name": "followers",
        "port": 2888,
        "targetPort": 2888
        "name": "election",
        "port": 3888,
        "targetPort": 3888
    "selector": {
      "server-id": "1"
Zookeeper cluster

If you want get a zookeeper cluster with 5 nodes, you can write zookeeper-rc-2/3/4/5.json and zookeeper-svc-2/3/4/5.json files as described above and use kubectl command to deploy them into kubernetes cluster.


Topic Id: 9153

Example Ids: 28427

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