It is possible to use integer variables with latex. To create a new variable we need the \newcounter{name}
command, where name
is the name of the new counter. The name
must contain only letters. This command creates a new one with name \thename
. With this command we can print name
variable onto the paper. The initial value of name
is 0. To give value to "name" we can use \setcounter{name}{n}
where n is an integer. \value{name}
is a function which returns with the value of name
\newcounter{num} %new counter, initial value is 0
\thenum %print 0
\setcounter{num}{3} %set num to 3
\thenum %print 3
\setcounter{number}{\value{num}} %set number to value of num
\thenumber %print 3
Latex provides some other formats to print a number.
Other types of printing:
\Roman{num}\\ %→ I, II, III, IV, . . . (num = 1, 2, 3, . . . )
\roman{num}\\ %→ i, ii, iii, iv, . . . (num = 1, 2, 3, . . . )
\Alph{num}\\ %→ A, B, C, D, . . . (num = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 26)
\alph{num}\\ %→ a, b, c, d, . . . (num = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 26)
\fnsymbol{num}\\ %→ ∗, †, ‡, §, ¶, k, ∗∗, ††, ‡‡ (num = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9)
This example shows how to use mathematical operations with counters. It may be useful for loops in latex.
Addition: \addtocounter{num}{n}
this command adds n
to num
, where num
is a counter and n
is a positive integer.
Subtraction: \addtocounter{num}{-n}
this command subtracts n
from num
, where num
is a counter and n
is a positive integer.
Multiplication: \multiply\value{num} by n
this command multiply num
by n
, where num
is a counter and n
is an integer.
Division \divide\value{num} by n
this command divides num
by n
and gets the integer part of the quotient (num
is a counter and n
is an integer)
\thenum\\%prints 13
\thenum\\%prints 10
\thenum\\%prints 11
\multiply\value{num} by \value{num}
\thenum\\%prints 121
\multiply\value{num} by 2
\thenum\\%prints 242
\divide\value{num} by 60
\thenum%prints 4
declares counter. \setcounter{num}{3}
sets num value to 3.
adds 10 to num.
subtract 3 from num.
adds 1 to num
\multiply\value{num} by \value{num}
squares num.
\multiply\value{num} by 2
doubles num.
\divide\value{num} by 60
divides num by 60 and gets the integer part.
The result of the code: 13\\10\\11\\121\\242\\4
(\\ symbolizes new line)
intcalc package adds some other integer operations e.g. mod, pow, sng, abs, inv ...
In latex we can use built-in commands to execute code whether the conditions are true or not.
Comparing two integers: \ifnum\value{num}>n {A} \else {B}\fi
This code executes A if num>n else B. We can substitute > with < and =.
If a number is odd: \ifodd\value{num} {A}\else {B}\fi
If num is odd then it executes A else B.
If with condition: \ifthenelse{condition}{A}{B}
We have to load ifthen package to use this command. If condition are true then it executes A else B.
It is possible to create complex condition with \( \)
, \AND
, \OR
, \NOT
For example: \ifthenelse{\(\NOT 4<2 \OR 4>11\)\AND\isodd{4}}{A}{B}
This piece of code writes down "B" on the page. \NOT 4<2
is true and 4>11
is false. If we connect a false and a true statement with "OR" then the result is true. So \(\NOT 4<2 \OR 4>11\)
is true. \isodd{4}
is false because 4 is even. A false and a true statement connected with "AND" is false, so the output is B.
An example code:
If num$>$100 then the next sentence will be "Num is large." else "Num is small."
Num is \ifnum \value{num}>100 {large} \else {small}.
If num is odd then the next sentence will begin with "Odd" if not then with "Even"
\ifodd \value{num} {Odd} \else {Even} numbers are cool.
If (num$>$3 and (1$<$0 or num$=$10)) is true then the next sentence will be "True." else "False."
\ifthenelse{\value{num}>3\AND\(1<0 \OR \value{num}=10\)}{True.}{False.}
We can create loops in latex. They are similar but not as customizable as loops in other programming languages. One alternative to use loops are @loops. If we use a command which includes "@" in its name, we must be put it between \makeatletter
and \makeatother
. It is not allowed to use them in a macro which describes a new definition.
@for loop: \@for\command:={list}\do{commands}
\@for\sun:={rising,setting}\do{The sun is \sun.}
It creates the following text: The sun is rising. The sun is setting.
@whilenum loop: \@whilenum condition\do{commands}
This code writes odd numbers from 1 to 9.
"loop repeat" loop: \loop {commands} \ifnum condition \repeat
Executes commands till condition is true.
\ifnum \value{int}<10
This code does the same as @whilenum loop.
An example code:
\usepackage{amsmath} %\text{} command needs this package
Demonstration of @for loop:
\@for\sun:={rising,setting}\do{The sun is \sun. }
@whilenum loop:
{\stepcounter{int}\ifthenelse{\isodd{\value{int}}}{\theint\text{ }}{}}
"loop repeat" loop:
\text{ }\addtocounter{int}{2}\ifnum\value{int}<20
Loops are useful in Tikz.
The following code draws a clock without numbers:
\draw (0,0) circle (3cm);
\multiply\value{angle} by \value{num}
\divide\value{angle} by 12
\ifnum \intcalcMod{\value{num}}{3}=0{
\draw[line width=4pt] (\theangle:2cm) -- (\theangle:3cm); }\else
\draw[line width=1pt] (\theangle:2.3cm) -- (\theangle:3cm);
The result: