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Simple Object Orientation

Here's a basic example of how to do a very simple class system

Class = {}
local __instance = {__index=Class} -- Metatable for instances
function Class.new()
    local instance = {}
    setmetatable(instance, __instance)
    return instance
-- equivalent to: return setmetatable({}, __instance)

To add variables and/or methods, just add them to the class. Both can be overridden for every instance.

Class.x = 0
Class.y = 0
    return {self.x, self.y}

And to create an instance of the class:

object = Class.new()


setmetatable(Class, {__call = Class.new}
    -- Allow the class itself to be called like a function
object = Class()

And to use it:

object.x = 20
-- This adds the variable x to the object without changing the x of
-- the class or any other instance. Now that the object has an x, it
-- will override the x that is inherited from the class
-- This prints 20 as one would expect.
-- Object has no member y, therefore the metatable redirects to the
-- class table, which has y=0; therefore this prints 0
object:getPosition() -- returns {20, 0}

Changing metamethods of an object


local Class = {}
Class.__meta = {__index=Class}
function Class.new() return setmetatable({}, Class.__meta)

Assuming we want to change the behavior of a single instance object = Class.new() using a metatable,

there are a few mistakes to avoid:

setmetatable(object, {__call = table.concat}) -- WRONG

This exchanges the old metatable with the new one, therefore breaking the class inheritance

getmetatable(object).__call = table.concat -- WRONG AGAIN

Keep in mind that table "values" are only reference; there is, in fact, only one actual table for all the instances of an object unless the constructor is defined as in 1, so by doing this we modify the behavior of all instances of the class.

One correct way of doing this:

Without changing the class:


How does this work? - We create a new metatable as in mistake #1, but instead of leaving it empty, we create a soft copy to the original metatable. One could say the new metatable "inherits" from the original one as if it was a class instance itself. We can now override values of the original metatable without modifying them.

Changing the class:

1st (recommended):

local __instance_meta = {__index = Class.__meta}
-- metatable for the metatable
-- As you can see, lua can get very meta very fast
function Class.new()
    return setmetatable({}, setmetatable({}, __instance_meta))

2nd (less recommended): see 1

1 function Class.new() return setmetatable({}, {__index=Class}) end


  • function <class>.new() return setmetatable({}, {__index=<class>}) end


Topic Id: 8908

Example Ids: 27724,27725

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