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Customising Core Functionality with Themes

Themes have layout files which, amongst other things, can be used to change which blocks appear on the page. The block template can also be changed and different methods called.

Store-level designs

Magento’s hierarchical structured themes means that a base theme can be extended and assigned on a store level.

Registering Custom Themes

Themes can be configured in three ways:

  1. Per store under System > Configuration > Design.
  2. Design change with time limits System > Design.
  3. Theme exceptions can also be set on a category and product level.

Package versus Theme

A package has multiple themes. Each of the themes in a package inherits from the default theme within a package.

Design Fallback

The theme fallback procedure for locating templates files is:

  1. {package}/{theme}
  2. {package}/default
  3. base/default

To add further directories to the theme fallback mechanism Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package::getFilename method need to be rewritten

For the admin area the fallback is default/default.

Template and Layout Paths


Blocks are used for output. The root block is the parent of all blocks and is of type Mage_Page_Block_Html.

Mage_Core_Block_Template blocks use template files to render content. The template file name are set within setTemplate() or addData('template') with relative paths.

Templates are just pieces of PHP included in Mage_Core_Block_Template. Therefore $this in a template refers to the block.

Mage_Core_Block_Template uses a buffer before including a template to prevent premature output.

The Mage_Core_Model_Layout::createBlock method creates instances of blocks.

The Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Update class considers which blocks need to be created for each page by looking at the layout handles.

All output blocks are rendered, e.g. by calling toHtml(), which in turn can choose to render their children.

Text and Text_List blocks automatically render their content.

There are two events that are fired around block rendering that can be used to modify the block before and after rendering the HTML:

core_block_abstract_to_html_before core_block_abstract_to_html_after A child block will only be rendered automatically if it is of class Mage_Core_Block_Textlist otherwise the getChildHtml method needs to be called.

Block instances can be accessed through the layout, e.g. Mage::app()->getLayout() and $controller->getLayout(). Block output is controlled by the _toHtml() function.

Templates are rendered by the renderView()/fetchView() methods inside a template block. Output buffering can be disabled with $layout->setDirectOutput.

It is possible to add a block to the current layout but it needs to be done before the renderLayout() method is called.

Layout XML

  -edit a block
  - define a block 
  - call method on a block
  - include nodes from another handle.

Layout files can be registered in config.xml:


Page output can be customised in the following ways:

  • Template changes
  • Layout changes
  • Overriding blocks
  • Observers Variables on blocks can be set in the following ways:
  • Layout -Through actions or attributes
  • Controller -$this-getLayout()->getBlock()
  • Child blocks -$this->getChild()
  • Other -Mage::app()->getLayout()

Head Block Assets

JavaScript and CSS assets are handled in the Mage_Page_Block_Html_head block. This block handles the merging of assets into a single file to minimise HTTP requests. The merged file is based on the edit time of the source files.

When merging CSS, a callback function on Mage_Core_Model_Design_Package is called to update any @import or url() directives with the correct URLs

Different mechanisms for disabling block output

  • If the response has already been created and set on the response object outside the regular rendering process (e.g., in an observer), the 'no-renderLayout' flag can be set on the action controller using
  • This prevents renderLayout() from processing the output blocks.
  • The same can be achieved by calling setNoRender(true) on the front controller: Mage::app()->getFrontController()->setNoRender(true);
  • Setting the isDispatched() flag on the response object might be more efficient to achieve a similar effect.

different types of blocks

  • Mage_Core_Block_Template
  • Mage_Core_Block_Text_List
  • Mage_Core_Block_Messages
  • Mage_Core_Block_Text_Tag
  • Mage_Core_Block_Text
  • Mage_Page_Block_Template_Links All blocks are either structural blocks or All blocks are either structural blocks or content blocks. Example:
  • core/text_list

Example of a structural block.

It does not utilize templates; it's simply used to output the content of all of its child blocks one after the other.

  • core/template

Example of a content block.

The output of this type of block depends on the assigned template. It's child blocks are output within it's template via the getChildHtml('block_name') method.. Example: core/text_list - Example of a structural block. It does not utilize templates; it's simply used to output the content of all of its child blocks one after the other. core/template - Example of a content block. The output of this type of block depends on the assigned template. It's child blocks are output within it's template via the getChildHtml('block_name') method.

Block instances can be accessed from the controller

From an action controller:


* Get specified tab grid
public function gridOnlyAction()
$this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/catalog_product_edit_tab_' .


Topic Id: 7140

Example Ids: 23923,23924,23925

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