For now I think the catalog module contains almost everything you can add to a module.
- Api - Contains the service contracts. A set of interfaces that should not be changed unless the minor version changes. Not mandatory for a custom module but nice to have for comercial extensions.
- Data - Data interfaces. Each interface must have a model that implements it (example: interface for product model)
- ProductRepositoryInterface.php - interfaces for repositories (must also have an implementation)
- ... - others as above
- Block - blocks used in the layout for frontend and backend
- Adminhtml - blocks used for backend
- Category - frontend related blocks. Can be nested in as many folders as you like, but not mandatory
- ... - same as above
- Console - folder containing cli commands
- Controller - contains frontend and backend controllers
- Adminhtml - backend controllers
- Category - frontend related controllers. Can be nested in as many folders as you like, but not mandatory
- ... - same as above.
- Cron - code that should be executed via cron
- etc - contains module configuration xml files
- frontend - contains configuration files loaded only on frontend
- adminhtml - contains configuration files loaded only on backend
- webapi_rest - contains configuration files loaded only for the rest api
- webapi_soapt - contains configuration files loaded only for the SOAP api
- acl.xml - ACL definitions
- catalog_attributes.xml - default attributes for catalog entities.
- catalog_attributes.xsd - validation schema for file above.
- config.xml - default values for config settings
- crontab.xml - cron jobs scheduling
- di.xml - dependency injection preferences. (can also reside in adminhtml, frontend, webapi_*)
- events.xml - observers declaration for events (can also reside in adminhtml, frontend)
- indexer.xml - settings for different indexes that need to be executed when data changes
- module.xml - the module declaration file
- product_* - product related settings.
- webapi.xml - webapi declaration paths.
- widget.xml - widgets declarations.
- Helper - different module helpers
- i18n - language translation files
- Model - models, simple as that. they can be nested in as many folders as you like, but it's not mandatory.
- Observer - event observer classes
- Plugin -
plugins for different public methods.
- Pricing - pricing related classes. This is module specific. You can have as many folders as you like like this if you don't want to place them in the models folder.
- Setup - install/upgrade related files (installing upgrading schema and data)
- Test - unit tests
- Ui - ui components related classes.
- view - the html related part. The V in MVC.
- adminhtml - admin related files
- layout - xml layouts for adminhtml
- templates - phtml templates for adminhtml
- ui_compoenent - ui components related files (declaration)
- web - assets (js, images)
- requirejs-config.js - configuration for require.js
- base - files used for both frontend and backend.
- can have same subfolder structure as adminhtml
- frontend - frontend related files
- can have same subfolder structure as adminhtml
- composer.json - not mandatory, but nice to have if you distribute your module
- registration.php - the module registration file.
- Licence*.txt, - you know what this means. They are not mandatory