Advanced Makefile

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Building from different source folders to different target folders

Main features of this Makefile :

  • Automatic detection of C sources in specified folders
  • Multiple source folders
  • Multiple corresponding target folders for object and dependency files
  • Automatic rule generation for each target folder
  • Creation of target folders when they don't exist
  • Dependency management with gcc : Build only what is necessary
  • Works on Unix and DOS systems
  • Written for GNU Make

This Makefile can be used to build a project with this kind of structure :

    |   +---Folder0
    |   |       main.c
    |   |       
    |   +---Folder1
    |   |       file1_1.c
    |   |       file1_1.h
    |   |       
    |   \---Folder2
    |           file2_1.c
    |           file2_1.h
    |           file2_2.c
    |           file2_2.h
        |   Makefile
        |   myApp.exe
        |       main.d
        |       main.o
        |       file1_1.d
        |       file1_1.o


# Set project directory one level above of Makefile directory. $(CURDIR) is a GNU make variable containing the path to the current working directory
PROJDIR := $(realpath $(CURDIR)/..)

# Name of the final executable
TARGET = myApp.exe

# Decide whether the commands will be shwon or not

# Create the list of directories
DIRS = Folder0 Folder1 Folder2
SOURCEDIRS = $(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(addprefix $(SOURCEDIR)/, $(dir)))
TARGETDIRS = $(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/, $(dir)))

# Generate the GCC includes parameters by adding -I before each source folder
INCLUDES = $(foreach dir, $(SOURCEDIRS), $(addprefix -I, $(dir)))

# Add this list to VPATH, the place make will look for the source files

# Create a list of *.c sources in DIRS
SOURCES = $(foreach dir,$(SOURCEDIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))

# Define objects for all sources
OBJS := $(subst $(SOURCEDIR),$(BUILDDIR),$(SOURCES:.c=.o))

# Define dependencies files for all objects
DEPS = $(OBJS:.o=.d)

# Name the compiler
CC = gcc

# OS specific part
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
    RM = del /F /Q 
    RMDIR = -RMDIR /S /Q
    MKDIR = -mkdir
    ERRIGNORE = 2>NUL || true
    RM = rm -rf 
    RMDIR = rm -rf 
    MKDIR = mkdir -p
    ERRIGNORE = 2>/dev/null

# Remove space after separator
PSEP = $(strip $(SEP))

# Hide or not the calls depending of VERBOSE
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),TRUE)
    HIDE =  
    HIDE = @

# Define the function that will generate each rule
define generateRules
$(1)/%.o: %.c
    @echo Building $$@
    $(HIDE)$(CC) -c $$(INCLUDES) -o $$(subst /,$$(PSEP),$$@) $$(subst /,$$(PSEP),$$<) -MMD

.PHONY: all clean directories 

all: directories $(TARGET)

    $(HIDE)echo Linking $@
    $(HIDE)$(CC) $(OBJS) -o $(TARGET)

# Include dependencies
-include $(DEPS)

# Generate rules
$(foreach targetdir, $(TARGETDIRS), $(eval $(call generateRules, $(targetdir))))

    $(HIDE)$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PSEP),$(TARGETDIRS)) $(ERRIGNORE)

# Remove all objects, dependencies and executable files generated during the build
    $(HIDE)$(RMDIR) $(subst /,$(PSEP),$(TARGETDIRS)) $(ERRIGNORE)
    @echo Cleaning done ! 

How to use this Makefile To adapt this Makefile to your project you have to :

  1. Change the TARGET variable to match your target name
  2. Change the name of the Sources and Build folders in SOURCEDIR and BUILDDIR
  3. Change the verbosity level of the Makefile in the Makefile itself or in make call
  4. Change the name of the folders in DIRS to match your sources and build folders
  5. If required, change the compiler and the flags

Zipping lists

GNU make

This pairmap function takes three arguments:

  1. A function name
  2. First space-separated list
  3. Second space-separated list

For each zipped tuple in the lists it will call the function with the following arguments:

  1. Tuple element from the first list
  2. Tuple element from the second list

It will expand to a space-separated list of the function expansions.

list-rem = $(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1)
pairmap = $(and $(strip $2),$(strip $3),$(call \
    $1,$(firstword $2),$(firstword $3)) $(call \
    pairmap,$1,$(call list-rem,$2),$(call list-rem,$3)))

For example, this:

LIST1 := foo bar baz
LIST2 := 1 2 3

func = $1-$2

    @echo $(call pairmap,func,$(LIST1),$(LIST2))

.PHONY: all

Will print foo-1 bar-2 baz-3.


Topic Id: 6154

Example Ids: 21376,23643

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